The emergence of pioneering technology in the administration and management of documents, such as document management software, has brought about a real revolution in the sector. Despite everything, the fact of living in an era in which the digitalization of most of the processes is a reality, traditional document management systems still have many things to contribute from an organizational point of view. It is not only about making use of the functionalities of the specialized programs but also about providing that task with a certain logic that helps maximize its effectiveness and efficiency.
A document management software incorporates modules specialized in information management, generating a strict order based on certain aspects previously selected by the users of the software (for example, the date, category, or priority). However, there are also other aspects related to offline document management that are still important to improve productivity.
Having a document management software does not mean that the users of a company should be unconcerned. Therefore, periodic meetings should be held to determine the suitability of its configuration. The organization is always essential and basic to be able to make a return on the investment made.
Although the document and information management program automates most of the processes, it is important to have those responsible for supervising the correct use of the software. It is also important from a strategic point of view since, without objectives to be met or responsible for monitoring it, much of the investment made in the tool can be thrown overboard.
The general rules reached as a conclusion must be the same on paper and electronic media. After all, the only difference between the two is support. Both are still used today and are completely necessary for the performance of the daily activity of most companies. Therefore, its use must be managed through the same set of rules and protocols.
Date the documents and make clear their authorship: although it seems a lie, there are currently problems arising from this area. Luckily, document management programs already automatically incorporate this type of element, but it is essential to take them into account to facilitate the management of the information that a company carries out.
1But… Who is responsible?

Everyone responsible for the Management System of your company is aware of a large amount of documentation that is generated, the time spent in its treatment, and the tedious analysis of the data or information they contain. That is, Document Management is part of everyday life.
It also happens, that certain documents are lost, or that they are obsolete, without knowing if they have been reviewed and/or updated, or who has been responsible for doing so. That is, when dealing with document management, the uncertainty of the reliability of the information handled is more than evident.
The uncontrolled document management produces chaos, and this chaos can bring consequences that, on many occasions, are severe. Such as, for example, the loss of money due to penalties by not meeting a deadline or not having the required document.
Organizations in which this type of situation occurs, opt for solutions that allow more efficient management, without using paper and that streamlines and automates their processes. Implementing solutions that will enable document management does not involve too much effort and time. It is not difficult, as several keys can help you.
2Tips to improve document management

Here are 8 tips to improve document management:
Scan paper documents
The first step towards the improvement of document management is through the digitalization of all the documentation we have on paper. Transforming paper information into electronic format, significantly improves the inefficiency of processes, since electronic information is easily recoverable and faster to search and manage.
Centralize corporate content
If you are a technical writer, it is preferable to establish a database to centralize all the documentation of the organization. Placing it at the same point unifies document management, which avoids duplication of documents, and increases their accessibility. Quick access to information improves the decision-making process. In-depth analytics are important, and online documentation platforms like ClickHelp are needed.
Sort the documents

Categorizing the documentation generated by the system makes the search even more efficient, as organizations produce a wide variety of documents. By identifying the key processes of the company, we will understand its structure, which will give us a basis for this classification.
Make good use of Metadata
Metadata is an excellent resource for structuring information and optimizing document management. Metadata describes the content of the files or the information of the data, which, together with a good categorization, greatly speeds up the location of documents. The definition of metadata must be made according to the context of the documents.
Optimize time with Document Models

Standardizing or creating document models simplifies its preparation. This means a significant saving of time, accelerating the entire document management process.
Establish access authorizations
At this point, the logical thing is to assign a control so that document management is useful. That is, not all documents must be accessible to all personnel, since there are documents that are for consultation only, or the corresponding responsible parties can only edit that. Assigning access controls mostly ensures the security of document management, avoiding the loss of documents, or unauthorized modifications.
Encourage collaboration

Through management tools, users from different departments can work at the same time in the preparation or modification of the same document. We ensure, therefore, that all those involved collaborate in document management, avoiding duplication, delays, or delegation of responsibilities.
Manage document versions
Keeping track of the expiration of documents, receiving alerts of modifications, or the need to update them, it is possible to do it through computer solutions that notify you about these issues, also maintaining the history of all previous revisions or versions.
In this way, legal compliance or the requirements of the management system are easier, avoiding the lack of availability of documents or late delivery.