
Before you can understand how to use the Saunders lumbar traction device you must understand – what is your lumbar spine and how does it function? Your spine is made of various parts of your vertebrae, with the lumbar spine being the lower five vertebrae and making up your lower spine. Located between the ribs and the pelvis of your body, the lumbar spine is a big part of a movement throughout your body, including your lower back flexion-extension, and leg movement.

Using it is the best way that you can keep your spine healthy and provide a full range of motion during everyday activities. Let’s see the basic steps of how to use this home device. Say you can avoid lumbar spinal stenosis – nerve compression in the lower back and your legs – and any prevention of movement fluidity.

4-Step Guide Of How To Use Saunders Lumbar Traction

It is a home pneumatic lumbar traction device that can be safely used instead of going to a chiropractor’s office. Using it has many benefits that are ideal when compared to spending money for each chiropractor appointment. The features of using it involve a pressure gauge that lets you constantly control the amount of force in your body, blow-off limits that can control the amount of force, and cost-effective price when compared to going to weekly chiropractic appointments.

Before you buy online and use the Saunders lumbar traction device, read more and keep the key facts about the lumbar spine in mind. There are many functions of this part of your spine that are essential for movement, health, and circulation in your body. Let’s see the main function of your lumbar spine and why it is so imperative for full-body health and function.

  • Stabilize your body – the main function of the lumbar and cervical spine is to provide support and stability in your body, specifically your upper body. With the lumbar spine and the cervical spine working together and helping with movement, stabilization, and protection from any outside forces, you would not be able to move any part of your arms or legs.
  • Trunk movement – the next function of using the lumbar vertebrae is making it possible to have trunk movements, such as flexion and extension. By using it, you can keep your spine healthy and functioning properly. The lower back is the main facilitator of movement and provides a full range of motion.
  • Protect your spinal cord – the next benefit of keeping your lumbar spine healthy is to help protect your spinal cord. Without a healthy spinal cord that is receiving nerve signals and protection from the bones of your spinal column, you would have trouble with sending any signals to the rest of your body.
  • Control your legs – the last benefit of keeping your lumbar and cervical spine healthy using the saunders lumbar traction device is to control the leg movements. Without functioning of the lumbar spine, you would not be able to sit, stand, run, or walk. The lumbar spinal column functions in tandem with the lumbar nerve that helps provide sensation and movement to the lower half of your body.

Use for a specific amount of time


When you’re using it for the first time, make sure you ask your chiropractor or your physician to see how long you should use it. If you are new to using the saunders lumbar traction device then you should only use it for between 10 and 15-minute intervals to avoid excess pressure and damage to your muscles.

Lay down on the saunders device

The second step of using the Saunders lumbar traction devices to lay down on the smart when it is fully laid out. After you have extended the mat, position yourself on the device so it alleviates pressure on your lower back and spine without adding any pressure on specific pressure points.

Ensure that before you lay down on the Saunders lumbar traction device that you are aware of the different components of your lumbar spine. By knowing how your spine works and the correct place to put pressure, you can avoid any excess pressure on nerves and compression of the lumbar and cervical spine.

When finding the best place to lay down on the Saunders device, keep your spinal alignment in mind. The key parts to know about your spine include the upper part of your lumbar vertebrae, as this is the section of your spinal column that protects and houses the vertebral bones and the cervical vertebrae. The lower portion of your lumbar spine contains the intervertebral discs and important muscles/ligaments that help the movement of your lower back and legs.

Make sure that when you lay on the Saunders cervical traction device that you do not put any excess pressure on the upper or lower parts of your lumbar spine to avoid nerve compression, nerve damage, and spinal misalignment.

Us the pump to adjust the pressure


If you find that the Saunders lumbar traction side provides too much pressure on your back or on your neck, then you should use the pump to adjust pressure. Avoid putting too much pressure on your neck and side of your spine to avoid compressing nerves on the lower part of your spine.

Read the gauge

The last step of using it is to use the gauge to see how much pressure you are using. Read the gauge to make sure you are not going above the maximum limits of the pressure.


If you are using it instead of going to the chiropractor for weekly appointments, then you need to see how to safely use this therapy modality. To alleviate pressure on your lower back and spine, use the Saunders lumbar traction device to easily and safely reduce lower back pain, relieve pressure on the sides of your spine, and avoid spending excess money at your chiropractor’s office every week.