
It’s not a secret that creating and developing an app or software product takes a lot of money and time. So if building a startup from scratch seems too hard, there is always an alternative – get help! In this article, you will read how to find and hire developers for your startup.

How do I know if I need a developer?


I wanted to ask for advice from someone who had gone through a similar journey and found success. I started to ask complete strangers on Quora about this and why they chose developers in their startup. The results I got back were in many opinions however one thing was the same, the people were unsure of how to tell if they needed a developer or not.

Looking for a developer for your startup might sound crazy. According to a recent survey,1 in 5 startups have at least one high-tech hire and most of those are coming out of San Francisco. The demand for developers is so strong that many startups are jumping through hoops just to find one — recruiting has become so competitive that some hiring managers have stopped taking on non-technical candidates. The good news is you don’t have to be a founder to benefit from having a developer on your team. Some of the best startups with non-founder founders have employed full-time developers. Startups that attract a great development talent pool often find they have more success than those with less dedicated early employees.

1. Stay away from online bid sites and classifieds. Find developers with startup connections!

The Online Bidder/Crafter sites are the worst. These sites use real people to place online bids to win clients. These sites are easily hacked and inaccurate. The best way to find developers with startup connections is by networking with other entrepreneurs in your industry. Always screen potential employees based on: experience with project management skills, credit score, and job complete strangers. Most startups do not need help with marketing or development.

2. Where to find software development companies (, Tech Conferences, Local referrals, etc.)?


There are many sources for this information, but I recommend using This site is a resource for founders who are looking for local resources or experienced founders looking for new opportunities

The best way is to ask around and network with other entrepreneurs who have experienced similar problems and successes. If you are in Silicon Valley and looking for startup support, try local partners at tech conferences. Be careful though, as some older companies will not be understanding of the need for a change like a change in management or product direction. The second option is to attend a conference or event organized by your favorite software company. These events tend to be well-attended and offer free food and drinks to those attending.

3. What you should look for in a developer


There are two primary things that you should look for when choosing a developer for your startup:

His or her experience and expertise. The first is relatively easy to gather—if they’ve been working on similar projects, they’ve probably worked on similar apps.

According to being able to code efficiently and learning new skills while doing your job is also useful. Being able to work on new ideas and products with other skilled developers is also important. You can be a great programmer even if you aren’t super keen on working alone or on your computer. Being able to work well with others and understand what requirements there are for different pieces of functionality is vital if you want to be a good programmer.

The second is harder, but something that anyone can learn—if they’ve built applications with similar features and are willing to share their knowledge with others, they’ll be more enticing to other developers. Being able to work well with others, communicate well with your employer, understanding how the software works so you can fix problems as they arise is a very important skill.

4. How to make sure you have the right fit and what steps to make when hiring professionals for a startup


Your startup should be about building something people value. So if you’re taking on a side project or working on a side project for fun, that’s fine. But if you’re really hoping to achieve big things here, it’s going to take something more than that. You’re going to need a clear idea of what you want to build and why.

Analyzing competitors for your startup is a great strategy for finding opportunities to differentiate and improve. For example, if you’re a sales-oriented startup, and you’re struggling to get more clients than you’re taking in, it may be time to start looking at other marketplaces for additional leads. Or, if you’re working with a big client and they’re consistently putting you off with how long it takes to get things done, it might be time to look for someone else.

The first step in hiring professionals for a startup is to select and research them. This is done by contacting potential candidates through LinkedIn, Public Relations agencies, alumni networks, and other sources that you know of. Many times it will be necessary to spend money on market research in order to get a good starting point in answering these questions or finding the types of professionals that you are looking for.

The last thing if you want to build an app that will change the world or make you a millionaire one day, you need talented developers. But picking the right interviewee can be a challenge. It’s hard to sift through hundreds of resumes and find the one who is the best fit for your project. There are several interview techniques that you can use to narrow down your choices (one I’ve found works very well is interviewing one close friend of yours who has previous job experience; this will likely provide a more unbiased opinion than an executive manager or founder would).

Why hire a professional for your startup?


As a highly motivated and exceptional team of specialists, you need the startup to have the aptitude, resources, and vision required to realize your startup vision. Their very nature is centered on continuously evaluating market opportunities, determining corporate risk-management strategies, developing operational efficiencies through effective collaboration with external partners, and assembling a team of high-quality associates to execute these strategies with efficiency and enthusiasm.