Are you struggling with your Extended Essay? Do you feel like you’re not getting anywhere? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many students find the Extended Essay to be one of the most challenging parts of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips that will help you improve your essay writing skills and get a good grade on your paper!
What is the IB Extended Essay, and what are its requirements?

The IB Extended Essay (EE) is a research paper of up to 4000 words, allowing students to conduct independent research or investigation on a topic that interests them.
Like the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) essay, the EE requires students to reflect on what they have learned and how they have grown as thinkers. However, while the TOK essay is focused on exploring ways of knowing and areas of knowledge, the EE asks students to take their learning one step further by applying it to real-world problems.
In order to complete the EE, students must first identify a topic that interests them, then develop a research question and formulate an argument. The research process can be challenging and rewarding, and students will need to use all the skills they have learned to succeed.
Without saying much, here are some tips to help you write a good IB Extended Essay:
1. Ask For Help
If you’re considering taking on an IB extended essay, there’s one thing you should consider doing: asking for professional help. An extended essay is a lot different from your average high school essay – it’s longer, for one thing, and requires a much deeper level of research. You’ll need to be able to synthesize all of that research into a coherent, well-argued paper, and that’s not easy to do.
But the good news is that there are people out there who can help you with that. By going through the review at EssayWritingReviews.org, you can find a list of professional essay writing services that can help you with your paper. These companies have experienced writers who know how to do research and write extended essays, so they’ll be able to help you get the grade you need.
2. Think About Your Topic

When you’re choosing a topic for your Extended Essay, it’s crucial to think about something you’re interested in. This might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s crucial – if you’re not interested in your topic, it will be a lot harder to write a good paper on it.
So take some time to brainstorm potential topics and narrow down your list until you find one that feels right for you.
There are a few things you should keep in mind when choosing a topic for your Extended Essay:
- First, make sure that the topic is something you’re interested in! The best essays are usually written by students who are passionate about their topics.
- Second, make sure that the topic is something that can be researched. You’ll need to find enough information on your topic to be able to write a successful paper.
- Third, make sure that the topic is not too broad or too narrow. If it’s too broad, you won’t be able to cover everything in 4000 words. If it’s too narrow, you won’t be able to find enough information.
3. Stay On Topic
Once you’ve chosen a topic, it’s essential to make sure that you stay on topic when you’re writing your paper. This can be a challenge, especially if you’re doing research online because there’s so much information out there.
But if you can focus your research and only look for information that’s relevant to your topic, it’ll make writing your paper a lot easier. The best way to do this is to make sure that you have a clear thesis statement and then make sure that every piece of information you include in your paper supports that thesis.
4. Make An Outline

Once you’ve done your research and know what you want to say in your paper, it’s time to organize your thoughts. The best way to do this is to outline your paper.
An outline will help you keep track of all the different parts of your paper and make sure that everything flows together in a logical order. Plus, once you have an outline, it’ll be much easier to start writing your essay!
5. Back Up Your Claims
When creating your outline, include evidence for all of the claims you want to make in your paper. This is important because you need to back up your claims with evidence to get a good grade on your essay.
So, for each point, you want to make, find one or two pieces of evidence that support it. When you’re writing your paper, you can include those pieces of evidence and know that you’re making a solid argument.
6. Start Writing Early

Once your draft is ready, don’t wait to start writing your paper! The sooner you start, the better.
This is because the longer you wait, the more likely you’ll forget what you wanted to say or lose track of your thoughts.
So, even if your paper isn’t due for a few weeks, start working on it now so that you don’t have to rush at the last minute.
7. Edit and Proofread Your Paper
Once you’ve finished writing your paper, it’s essential to go through and edit it. This means fixing any grammar mistakes, ensuring all of your sentences flow together smoothly, and ensuring that your paper is clear and concise.
It’s also good to ask to read through your paper to give you feedback. Once you’ve made all of the necessary changes, it’s time to proofread your paper. This means reading through it one last time to ensure there are no typos or other mistakes.
Having a professional proofread your paper can be helpful because they’ll be able to catch any mistakes that you might have missed.
Final Word
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to writing a tremendous Extended Essay! Just remember to choose a topic you’re interested in, stay on topic, and back up your claims with evidence. And if you start early and edit carefully, you’ll be sure to write a winning essay.