The advanced technology has brought a lot of benefits to today’s society. We can now easily contact people from the opposite side of the world. Despite that, all the businesses now have the opportunity to offer their product to the entire world with a couple of clicks. Still, we need to stay objective and say that computers, laptops, and mobile devices also have some disadvantages. Our suggestion is to visit personaleyes and see which solutions eye specialists provide you with. You can contact them by phone or book an appointment via their website.
Together with the incredible improvement of technology people have changed their habits as well. We spend a lot of time in front of the small/big screens. Logically, one of the problems that may arrive is an eye disorder.
However, we do not want to say that advanced technology is the only cause of eye disorders. There are several different types of eye disorders that people suffer from. Believe it or not, only in the United States, there are 14 million people that are visually impaired. This number is not small at all, right?
Because of that, we would want to talk about this problem. In this article, we will analyze the most common types of eye disorders. We hope it will help you understand better which things you might change in your everyday life.
Macular Degeneration

Well, this is the most common type of eye disorder. Around 10 million people across entire America suffer from this problem. This disorder is also commonly referred to as AMD or Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
In this case, your central portion of the retina (or macula) is damaged. This part of the eye gives as the ability to focus central vision in the eye. In other words, macula helps us view objects in detail, recognize colors, read books, drive a car, etc.
This disorder comes in two different shapes – wet AMD and dry AMD. Most of the victims suffer from the dry or atrophic AMD.

After AMD, cataracts are the most common type of eye disorder among people in the world. Cataracts are actually the cloudy areas in the eye lens. Our eye is working exactly like a camera. Light passes through a clear eye lens to your retina. Well, if this problem starts to bother you, the light won’t be able to pass to the retina smoothly enough.
There are several different signs of cataracts. In most cases, people have a problem seeing at night or seeing through glare and light. Despite that, you will hear people saying that they see “halos” around the light.
The good thing about cataracts is that surgery is unnecessary if you discover it in the early stages. Things that will help you are new eyeglasses, anti-glare sunglasses, etc. Still, if you discover it too late, then surgery will be necessary.
Well, glaucoma might bring you different types of problems. Yet, the cause of all those problems is a damaged eye’s optic nerve. If you realized that you have this problem early, then things might be solvable. However, if you delay going to a checkup, things usually get worse over time.
Anyway, this mostly results in pressure buildup within the fluid in our eye. Because of that, the optic nerve becomes damaged. Keep in mind that this nerve is responsible for image-transmitting to your brain.
There is one reason why we said it is recommendable to constantly check your eyes. This problem might lead to permanent vision loss if it lasts for a longer time. Believe it or not, people that suffer from this problem usually lose vision after only a couple of years.
We are not here to scare you or be negative. Our message to you is to visit a doctor if you suspect you are suffering from this problem.
It is good to know that there are 2 types of glaucoma – Angle-Closure Glaucoma and Open-Angle Glaucoma. When we talk about the second type, there are no definite symptoms initially. However, the later ones come in two different ways. The first one is the tunnel vision, and the second one is peripheral vision loss. In most cases, that problem will affect both of our eyes.
On the other hand, angle-closure glaucoma is a more complex problem. A victim needs to react quickly because it can result in blindness in one or two days. Some of the symptoms are a sudden visual disturbance in low light conditions, redness of the eyes, etc.
Diabetic Retinopathy

Well, this eye disorder is actually a diabetes complication. The diabetes complication causes damage to the blood vessels that spread throughout the light-sensitive tissues of the retina. The retina is located in the back of the eyes.
So, if you are suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it can also damage your vision. This especially counts if you have this sort of problem for a longer period. Once again, in most cases, both eyes get affected.
At the beginning of this eye disorder, there won’t be any noticeable symptoms. Still, after many years of progress, the symptoms might appear. Some of them are dark spots or string floating through your vision, fluctuating vision, impaired color recognition, etc.
Dry Eyes Syndrome
Do you know what one of the functions of tears is? It needs to keep your eye lubricated. However, if your eyes have the problem to provide adequate lubricants, then they are suffering from dry eye syndrome. There might be a huge number of reasons why inadequate lubrication happens.
Still, you might experience stinging or burning sensation in certain conditions. For example, this might happen if you are sitting in an air-conditioned room. Despite that, the most common moment when this happens is when we sit in front of a computer screen for a long time.
Signs are usually the same for all people. You will experience eye redness, mucus production in or around the eyes, sensitivity to light, etc.