At a time when we are faced with multiple health challenges, keeping your immunity healthy is a matter of utmost importance. Immunity is defined as the body’s ability to cope with various health threats such as viruses, bacteria, germs, and other pathogens. Strong immunity is somehow connected to the body’s physical strength, but it never tells the whole story.
Some people think that having a healthy-looking body equates to having strong immunity. You can look physically strong, but succumb to mild health threats. It all boils down to strong immunity. Natural immunity is overrated. You can improve or ruin your innate immunity. Here are several things to do to keep your immunity strong.
Before we even start with this list, let us be clear on what immunity is all about. Your body relies on its defense mechanisms to fight disease. It does so through several approaches. The primary approach is through white blood cells. If there are not enough white blood cells in the blood, your body will struggle to fight diseases and ailments. Without an adequate blood supply, you will have difficulties containing even the mildest of symptoms.
People who are deemed vulnerable will often pay more in premiums, hurting their chances of getting cost-effective packages. The trick is to ensure that your immunity is not compromised.
Eat healthily

Eating healthy is fast becoming an online cliché, but it is one of the surest ways of achieving the recommended blood count in your body. A good meal should consist of all the essential nutrients in the right proportion. It has been called a balanced diet for ages. In newer approaches to eating healthy, the categories of protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates are not adequate. Ensure that you are eating healthy proteins, minerals and vitamins, and carbohydrates. Focus on simple calorie values to ensure that you have enough of everything. Ensure, too, that you have eaten enough essential fats.
Keep a healthy body weight

It is very easy to end up underweight or overweight. Only about 25% of Americans are not overweight or underweight. Those who are overweight are at least 70%. The remaining percentage oscillates between healthy and skinny. Only a healthy body weight is good for your immunity. You can check your BMI online if you want to know your weight status.
You can also calculate it manually by multiplying 703 by your weight in kgs or pounds and dividing the result by the square of your height in cm or inches. You are in a healthy range if you score between 25 and 30. Anything below 25 could be risky for your immunity because it means that your body is lacking vital nutrients. A BMI of above 30 is unhealthy for you because it means you have some things in excess, which could compromise your immunity.
You can keep a healthy body weight by exercising regularly and eating a balanced meal at all times. You may also need to avoid certain types of food.
Check-ups and vaccinations

Regular check-ups help you discover problems before they can escalate. For example, gingivitis affects areas that have been ravaged by dental caries and cavities. Besides, ensuring that you have herd immunity from various diseases can prevent viruses from attacking you. People who take vaccinations for health measles, smallpox, polio, hepatitis B and other infections are safe from imminent attacks from such viruses. Seeing the doctor and ensuring that you have all the recommended vaccines strengthens your overall immunity. Ensure that you have sufficient health insurance coverage for this. You can find more info on insurance bundles that will give you the right coverage. Shopping around will help you spot a perfect deal for you and your family.
Don’t abuse your body
Your body will rely on you to take care of it. It will rely on you to feed it well, provide it with enough fluids and such things. If you choose to abuse drugs and substances, you will do the opposite of what the body is asking you to do. Alcohol abuse can damage vital body organs suppressing your immunity. For example, liver cirrhosis prevents your liver from performing its functions.
For instance, if it does not detoxify your body, those toxins could lower your immunity, making you prone to diseases. Take alcohol in moderation. Do not smoke or abuse drugs. Be careful with stimulants such as caffeine. Take everything in moderation. Even extreme exercises can expose your body to danger. Refrain from unwanted habits such as grinding teeth, extreme sports,
Get enough sleep

Sleeping is the body’s response to fatigue. If you do not get enough of it, you will not give the body a chance to rejuvenate. Experts recommend that you should sleep for about 8 hours every day. Do not oversleep or under-sleep. Most people have poor sleeping habits, which exposes them to fatigue and other problems.
Use supplements responsibly
As we age, we develop gaps in our immune system. Supplements can help restore or prevent the escalation of immunity loss. However, they must be done responsibly and with the advice of a professional medical practitioner. Unlike snacking, supplements must pass the test of integrity. Use supplements from reputable companies. Also, ensure that you are using supplements at recommended levels. Using too many supplements could be counterproductive.
Staying in hygienic conditions
It starts at home and ends up in the office. It also extends to the overall environment. Ensure that you stay in a clean environment. Ensure that your indoor air quality is good. You can have it inspected if you are unsure. At the office, also keep it clean, and health and safety compliant. If the environment around you is compromised, you can use protective gear such as masks. Ridding your home off animal dander and dust can prevent allergies.
Eliminate stress

Stressors are almost everywhere from those at the workplace to those at home. Spousal problems, work-related pressure, and such things are hard to determine in life. You find yourself in a situation that you don’t want. Stress can hurt your body’s immune systems. It can interfere with your hormonal balance and, consequently, your coping mechanisms.
Taking care of your body can improve your ability to resist attacks and fight those that eventually manage to reach you. A healthy body weight, exercises, a balanced diet, and staying in a safe environment is a good starting point.