Do you face some recurrent cold issues as soon as climate change? Watering eyes, sneezing, irritation are some of the common problems that do not seem as if they will pass anytime soon. If you are going through a similar condition, you might be suffering from a seasonal spring allergy. Whatever be the reason, you will need to visit an eye care expert, inevitably.
Finding a competent expert for your vision troubles can be difficult. Also, not necessarily will they be equipped to take care of the patients from all age groups or in emergency care. If you are looking for a one-stop solution for eye care, you can schedule an appointment at the Eye Effects right away. And if you are just curious to know how you can take care of your spectacles, just follow the tips provided below.
Handle with care

Handling your glasses with care will ensure that they last for long periods in the best status. Always keep your glasses in their box so that they don’t get damaged due to an accident. Also, you should not wear them on the top of your head or remove them singlehandedly. This can misalign your frames. Don’t put them in purse or pocket without any protection box as they may get scratched. Although the material of glasses can be of high quality, it is not unbreakable. Therefore, always handle your specs with care. And no need to mention, don’t leave them lying around for a long period of time.
Keep your spectacles tidy

It is essential that you keep your glasses clean so that you don’t experience the blurred vision. It is only then you will thoroughly benefit from the aid of prescription. This is how you can clean your glasses: –
1. Wash your hands to remove any dirt or debris before you start cleaning your eyeglasses so that it does not get transferred to them. This is something that most people overlook before cleaning their spectacles
2. Hold your glasses from the frames and allow the lukewarm water to rinse them free from any dirt and debris under the gentle stream. At no point in time should you be touching the glasses directly with your fingers? At max, you can hold them from their edges if you have difficulty in cleaning them
3. You can add some drops of soap or dishwashing liquids on your lens. If it is concentrated, keep it in your fingers to make it smooth before you apply it to the lens. Avoid using a lotion-based soap as it can leave the residue on your glasses that may lead to some after stains once you let them dry

4. Now gently rub your lenses and frames in a circular motion. Cover every part of your spectacles, such as nooks and ear parts. This step will help to get rid of oil, dirt, and debris from your eye equipment. Do not go for a horizontal or vertical cleaning stroke as it increases the possibility of some dust being left behind
5. Now, rinse your spectacles thoroughly with water. Be gentle as they can slip from your grasp. Make sure there is no leftover soap in your glasses so that your glasses do not bear any leftover smudges. You should at least rinse them for a minute to ensure that all the soap is gone from the frame
6. Dry your glasses with a lint-free, smooth cloth to remove the moisture. It should be soft so that it does not leave any scratches on your lens. There are certain specific types of soft-clothes that are available both in the market, as well as on websites like Amazon that you should specifically purchase for cleaning out your lenses. Additionally, they can also be used for cleaning out the screens of your laptops, smart-phones, desktops, television sets and other equipment that should be handled with care as well

7. You can also use a special lens cleaner if required for a thorough cleaning. Once again, you should specifically purchase them from a lens point of view, as a general and cheap lens cleaner can hurt your lenses. You can purchase them from a Spectacles or Sunglasses store, or you can once again order them from an e-commerce store like Amazon
8. Avoid cleaning your glasses with tissues, the hem of your shirt, and other cloth that can be too abrasive for your glasses and can damage your lens. This is once again a common mistake that many people do and should be avoided
Regular servicing

After a while, you will notice that your glasses are getting loose due to continuous usage. They might even bend out of shape and get scratched over the years. That is an unavoidable outcome, but the solution to this problem is vital; otherwise, they can fell from your face. To make sure that your glasses retain a good fitting, you can take them to your nearest optometrist.
If you are a regular customer, he might even wave the adjustment charges for you. It will hardly take a couple of minutes from your busy schedule, but you will be awarded a pair that fits your face perfectly. Remember to follow these tips whenever you invest in a pair of spectacles for a clear vision.
The information provided is useful for all kinds of lenses and should be kept in mind, as a clean lens is always preferable to a dirty one.