In 2024, when we all know the importance of clean air, air purifiers should be a priority. Investing in good indoor air quality can save you from many health complications in the long run.
An air purifier has a system of fans and filters. Depending on the purifier, there can be one or more. The fans suck in bad air. The air then passes through a system of filters for microparticles to get trapped inside. Thus, air purifiers throw back clean and purified air into your living spaces.
This article lists ways which help you get the most out of air purifiers. Know everything which your air purifier can do for you.
1. Ease up your allergies and other health issues

Air purifiers are highly advisable for people who struggle with seasonal allergies. People living in neighborhoods with smoke and high air pollution levels have to deal with poor air quality. With a purifiers from HisoAir.com, you can get a customized experience. Based on your space and usage requirements, you can get your best fit.
Keeping your respiratory tract clean saves you from major lung diseases. Trapped dust particles, dead matter, spores, etc., add to the bad health of indoor air. They get stuck in your lungs, can sometimes go into your blood, and can even cross the blood-brain barrier. Air purifiers are, thus, a big help in mitigating cardiac and neurological problems as well.
2. Combat bad Odors

Homes constantly get exposed to bad smell odors. Smells of food items like fish, onions, stale, burnt food, etc., are the things kitchens deal with regularly. If you are not quick to eliminate them, they might linger through the home walls. With pets and babies, odor problems become more frequent.
Turn on your home ventilation system or simply open up your windows to let the bad air flow out. Close windows, and start up your portable air purifier near the spot where the foul odor is coming from.
3. In your office workspace

People spend a big chunk of their time in offices. So air purifiers don’t have to be restricted to home spaces. If your office doesn’t already provide the facility of air purifiers, consider having your air purifier. Some purifiers are made especially for work desks. They help keep dust, odors, smoke, chemical vapors, and allergens away from your breathable air.
Some air purifiers not only trap the particles and circulate the air, but they also send charged harmful particles through ionizers. However, make sure they do not produce ozone. While using a desk air purifier, keep it on for a long time for full efficacy. You can even set up a portable air purifier in your small cubicle.
4. In your child’s room

Kids are the most potential targets of harmful chemicals, germs, allergens, dirt, mold, etc. They are more sensitive to air pollutants. As they spend much of their time playing, they frequently come in contact with other kids. This makes it even more likely to catch an airborne disease. Make sure they wear certified respirators/masks.
While they can’t be restricted from playing, parents can ensure that they breathe good air while at home. Purifiers with physical filters are the best for kids’ rooms. Place a silent air purifier in their room where they can’t access it easily.
5. Have a pet-friendly home

Having a pet at home comes with responsibilities. It is not uncommon to find people allergic to pet dander. Even if you don’t experience any pet-related allergy, people visiting your home might be.
Pet dander and particulate matter lingering on pet fur can heavily pollute the indoor air. Pet dander, if not removed, can stay at its place for up to several months. This can have drastic consequences. Not only this, pets tend to bring inside all the dirt and bad odor. Cleaning, washing, or covering smell with scents only gives a shallow relief to such problems.
An air purifier sucks up microparticles and makes the indoor air odor-free and more breathable. Along with being a savior to your respiratory tract, air purifiers are great for the health of your animal pets as well.
Air purifiers take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to clean the indoor air. Make sure your purifier is on for sufficient time, especially after your pet comes in. Though, it is advisable to keep it in for the most part of the day.
6. For a sound sleep at night
It is a common question whether it is safe to keep your air purifier on all night. It is completely safe to sleep with an air purifier. Unlike fans which might make noise as you sleep, air purifiers silently circulate the air around you as you sleep. You can even choose air purifiers with white noises if such relaxing sounds are your thing.
They are especially helpful for people with nasal congestion, seasonal allergies, sinus headaches, and other problems. They generally find it harder to sleep at night. Breathing in clean and pure air improves your sleep quality. For full efficacy, know how to place air purifiers in your bedroom.
7. Help your plants grow

Plants are natural air purifiers. Yet, many toxic particles in the environment can hamper the growth of your plants after a certain limit. The harmful gases, toxic vapors, volatile compounds, and even allergens can affect the carbon content of the natural air. This, in turn, reduces the photosynthetic productivity of the plants, resulting in less nutrition in the plant.
Air purifiers replenish the health of house plants by enabling them to absorb more carbon dioxide. With this being said, you should be careful to check whether your air purifier generates ozone or not. An ozone-generating air purifier will affect your growing plants adversely. Apart, ionizers are not a good choice if your house has many indoor plants, as they contribute to ozone generation.
Thus, air purifiers with sound air cleaning systems and no ozone generation help your plants grow to their maximum capability.
Final thoughts
Air purifiers are a must-have in your home. You can enjoy the all-round benefits of your air purifier, having figured out its full potential. Always choose ozone-free air purifiers. A good air purifying system secures your family’s health.