Shyness is that little internal voice that tells us “you will fail” and anticipates the wrong time we are going to have instead of predicting all the good that can happen to us. Therefore, it is not advisable to pay too much attention to it and jump into the pool. Of course, it’s better if we learn the lesson well.
You need to be aware of your abilities and limitations and know how to observe and understand the signals that those who interest you send. If you want to get extra playful when it comes to practicing the art of seduction, check out Phonesexnumbers.
There are thousands of factors to take into accounts such as the outfit, perfume, keeping up a conversation (“it does not matter so much what is it you say but how you say it”), gestures (body language) and, of course, the whole look and the sense of humor.
When we are facing the person who attracts us, we can do several things that indicate our intentions and, above all, that will provoke interest in us.
The following are the best flirting tips for shy people:
1. Approach slowly

Breathe. If you are afraid of flirting, you are also more likely to be ashamed and approach someone you find extraordinarily attractive. However, flirting comes down to meeting a person without any pretensions to getting into a relationship. So, you start with a simple, friendly conversation without stress.
2. Be at the center of attention
You may not be accustomed to standing out in a crowd, but you should give it a try. The most important thing is to stop caring and paying attention to what others think of you. Act as if you own everything in the room because confidence is what makes you sexy. All eyes will be on you.
3. Join a group of people during the talk

It’s not easy to get into a group of people that are talking, but it’s worth a try. So, listen for a while to what they are talking about. Then, at a convenient moment, present yourself. You can agree with the opinion of someone in the group, or with the opinion of the whole group, if that is the case. Hang out with a group until you have one drink. Otherwise, you will look rude. And talk to everyone, not just to the person in the group you like.
4. Don’t make exaggerated compliments
Don’t give insincere compliments. Be wise, and when you share one, you should really think so.
Don’t start complimenting the following “I like …”.
Instead of saying something like “I like your eyes,” say, for example, “Your eyes are exceptional,” and then go on to “what color is it? Green? Blue?” And so the conversation will continue.
5. Don’t flirt with someone else’s partner

Sometimes it’s not clear if the two are in a relationship, so mistakes happen. But when you know that the person is not alone, stop.
6. Let the other person make the first step
That could sound a bit manipulative, but it’s not with an evil purpose. In case you are afraid to approach the person who you like openly, it would be best if you let her come to you. You can, for example, after a few looks exchanged, collide with them.
7. Don’t rely on alcohol, friends or your phone

Flirting is fun, so enjoy it. If you apply one of these above, you will not enjoy it, and at the same time, you will look wrapped.
8. Be what you are
That’s the best flirting tip. We all have our ways of acknowledging that we flirt when we flirt: leaning towards a person we like, a gentle touch of the hand, etc.
These are typical flirting signs. Apply them, but be yourself. The worst that can happen is to be rejected, but that is not the end of the world – you will survive.
9. Don’t overdo it

Don’t try too hard because it will be evident that you are trying to get attention, and it will be uncomfortable for both. You’ll look desperate, so relax and keep an eye out for flirting opportunities.
If the mere idea of flirting scares you, try practicing in the solitude of your home. A mirror is enough for you to imagine yourself talking to a boy. Think about the kinds of things you would like to say, so it will be more comfortable when that person is in front of you.
11. Show interest

No one will be attracted to a person who does not answer their questions and utters few words in a conversation. That’s the big problem with shy people. In such cases, try to follow the thread of the conversation, and ask a few questions on the subject. That will show your interest.
12. Listen carefully
People like to feel that they are being heard while talking, so if you are interested in someone, you have to show that you are listening and that you are interested in what he or she says. Also, provide some comments, don’t only listen.
13. Smile

There is nothing more attractive than a sincere smile. So, it’s time to overcome your shyness with a smile, which everybody loves. No nervous smiles, but display your charm and show your teeth and dimples!
14. Use your best weapon
Take courage and do it. For example, if you have a beautiful smile, then use it. If your eyes are your best feature, look directly at the person you want to attract. Take advantage of your seduction weapons.
Even though flirting is often bitter for some people (because of their fears and insecurities), it should be done as something enjoyable and fun, like a game. Positive emotions have a lot of power when it comes to attraction. A fun and pleasant person who is comfortable with himself/herself and uninhibited is much more attractive than someone severe and tense.