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The bathroom is probably the messiest place in your house. It’s always wet, and toiletries get scattered everywhere. It’s the area that you hate cleaning the most. If you don’t want to deal with cleaning issues all the time, these tips might help.

1. Install a heated floor

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When the bathroom floor is always wet, it can lead to injuries. If you live with an elderly loved one, it’s even worse. Therefore, it helps if you have a heated floor. It’s easy to keep the place dry and clean. No one will slip and get hurt. You will also prevent the growth of mold and mildew because of the dry floor.

2. Ask for your family’s cooperation

You shouldn’t be the only one worrying about the cleanliness of your bathroom. Your entire family should also feel concerned about it. It helps if you tell them what to do to maintain the place. You should also set the rules that everyone needs to follow. Stick a reminder note on the door if necessary.

3. Buy vanity furniture

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It’s easier to organize everything in your bathroom if you have vanity furniture. You can keep all the products in the same place. You can also fix yourself before leaving the room. Even if you spend a lot of money, you won’t regret your decision. Having one at home makes the bathroom easier to maintain. If you don’t have sufficient space in your bathroom, you can consider using corner vanity units, which you can find at Bathroom City.

4. Use scented candles

Sure, scented candles won’t necessarily fix your messy bathroom. However, it feels good if your bathroom smells good. The moment you step inside, you will be in the mood to bathe and relax. You will also forget the other reasons why you feel stressed out. You can find the perfect candles on sites such as Devon Wick.

5. Use cleaning agents

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The bathroom is probably the most challenging part of the house to clean up. There are stains all over the place. Mould and mildew might also grow because the place is usually damp. The good thing is you can use cleaning agents. The chemicals present in them will help remove the stains and kill the molds. If you don’t like to use agents with harsh chemicals, there are organic options. They are still useful enough in cleaning the bathroom.

6. Improve ventilation

As the use of scented candles, fixing the ventilation problem is about mood setting. You want everyone who enters the bathroom to feel good. When it’s too humid, it might be hard to breathe and relax. To improve the ventilation, you can fix the fans. You also to keep the door open after using the bathroom. Make it a habit so it becomes easier to keep the floor dry.

7. Fix any damaged bathroom accessory

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Apart from having a messy bathroom, you will also feel stressed when you can’t use the bathroom accessories like the shower and faucet. Make sure that you fix them using tools available at home. If you can’t, you can ask for help from plumbers. Diagnose the problem first and inform the plumber of what happened. The same applies if you have problems with running toilets or clogged drains.

8. Place an indoor plant

During the start of the lockdown, many people decided to exercise their green thumbs. If you’re one of them, your bathroom is one of the best places to keep a plant. Put it inside the bathroom to make it look more appealing. It also produces oxygen that helps freshen the place up. Again, to make sure that it’s an indoor plant so it survives. If you decide to do it, you should be consistent in maintaining it.

9. Don’t wait until the weekends

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Another problem most people have when cleaning the bathroom is that they wait until they have enough time to do it. The truth is that you can maintain your bathroom even during the weekdays when you’re busy. It doesn’t take too much time to use toilet cleaning products to keep the place clean. You will reduce the tasks to do at the end of the week if you gradually fix things. You may also rotate cleaning assignments with family members to ensure that everyone is responsible for maintaining the place.

10. Place a laundry basket and clothes rack

Some people at home might not be cautious about where they leave their clothes. It helps if the bathroom has a laundry basket and a clothes rack. They will keep the used clothes in one area instead of throwing them anywhere. You don’t want to fix the mess they caused.

11. Wash clothes and towels right away

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While it helps to have a laundry basket, you shouldn’t keep your clothes there for a long time. When used clothes and towels start to pile up, they look messy. Your family members might also throw them around the bathroom. If you don’t want to deal with this problem, you should take the used items out and wash them right away. There’s no point in keeping them in the bathroom. They might start to smell bad and look terrible.

12. Remodel the bathroom

If you spend too much time cleaning your bathroom because it’s too small, you might want to consider remodeling it. You can also think about it if it’s been a while since you last invested in bathroom improvement. If you already saved enough money for this project, you have to pursue it. You will also feel more comfortable using your bathroom after remodeling. Look for different design ideas online. You don’t have to copy them, but they will inspire you to improve your bathroom.

You can start with something simple and affordable like the purchase of new bathroom decorations. If you have more money to splurge, you can consider bathtubs or a Jacuzzi. You might have to spend more on these items, but they’re worth the price. You can also expect them to last long.

Hopefully, with these changes, you won’t have to worry about maintaining your bathroom anymore. Everything will look organized. You will also feel excited about bathing again.