Lockdown can be lonely if you don’t know what to do with all that time at your disposal. Don’t worry, we give you interesting ideas to spend that time.
While staying at home sounds like a great idea, boredom slowly creeps in and you run out of ways to fill that time. Remember, gyms are closed and there are no movie theatres.
Fill that time with interesting activities that inspire, develop your skills, and provide a challenge. The goal is to improve your mental, physical, and emotional health.
Try not to do these activities yourself, find a partner or use video chats to invite others to join you.
Beaches are on lockdown too, which leaves you with limited options. Here are the 7 interesting ways you can pass the time during a lockdown.
1. Pick up new hobbies

Start learning to paint and get the supplies from your local stores. Paint your home or garage and tidy it up. Also, you can learn how to play a piano or guitar using online tutorials. This eases your stress and keeps you engaged.
Some people prefer to draw beautiful landscapes, or pictures of things, people, animals etc. Perhaps, it’s time you learn a new language that will be useful when the lockdown is over.
Learning new crafts soothes your mind and enables you to make something great. Check online tutorials for fresh ideas and start working on them. Take a coding lesson. Enrol on an online programming course.
2. Play online casino games
Online casinos are fast becoming a favorite pastime activity for many people in this pandemic. It provides fun and enjoyment. Most importantly, it gives you an avenue to earn money in the process. Sounds good, right? Joining is always free and you can learn more about honest online casino sites at gamblerspro.com and how to play. Available games include roulette, slot games, and more giving you a unique gaming experience.
Some of the reviewed casinos have hundreds of games and give great bonuses. Take your pick and have fun during this pandemic.
3. Play video games

Nowadays video games are not just for nerds but a favorite pastime activity for many people. It’s very engaging and passes the time quickly. Get on board with some friends or your family and play your favorite video game.
Gaming with friends and loved ones eases your mind and anxiety. They have healthy brain stimulation benefits and are a great stress reliever. Besides, playing video games improves your problem-solving skills.
Buy a good gaming console and quality headphones and have fun with your friends and family. You can pick the multiplayer mode or single-player. You can play a variety of games such as Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, FIFA, League of Legends, Minecraft, Overwatch, World of Craft, and more.
Start a challenge with your friends and see who gets to a higher level faster than others in a set time frame. These games inspire persistence and incorporate world history, and politics. They are more than fun.
4. Start a reading challenge
Do you thrive off setting goals? Perhaps a reading challenge will help spice up your lockdown time. It improves your literary intake and helps you keep track of the books you have read to achieve your set target.
Read books unrelated to your profession such as inspirational books, history books, adventure books, romantic novels, etc. This is a good time to widen your reading scope.
You can start an online book club with friends, family, colleagues, or neighbors and exchange books you have read. Set targets for finishing a book and discuss the contents with friends over video chats and some snacks. It feels all cultured, right?
5. Home workout

Exercising maintains good physical and mental health. Keep your body engaged when confined to your home because of the lockdown. Make use of workout apps and online workout tutorials to enhance your physical fitness.
Some workouts are intensive and are similar to gym exercises. Contact your gym instructor if they are offering online classes. Perform different workouts every day to exercise your whole body and ensure you are 100% fit.
Take early morning and late evening runs or jogs to keep your muscles rejuvenated and healthy. Running and jogging clears your mind and boosts your mental health.
6. Watch movies
Start a movie challenge with friends. Watch different movies from documentaries, historical depictions, inspiration movies, action movies, animations, and more.
Most people spend more time at home watching TV, so spice it up by making it entertaining. Pick the movies and series on a wide range of subjects.
Discuss the movies with friends and get different perspectives or analyze them. Also, listen to new ideas on movies you can watch. Involving your friends and family keeps you socially active in a lockdown.
It brings some semblance to normalcy. Keeping in touch curbs loneliness. Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime make it possible to watch any show or movie at home. This fills your free time.
7. Home improvement ventures

Did you have a busy work life rather than home life? It’s time to strike that balance now that you are at home. Take online cooking lessons and change your diet. Healthy eating is good for both the mind and body.
Do online grocery shopping and stock up your fridge with fresh foods. Lower your intake of processed foods and start being more responsible at home.
Vacuum your carpets and couch to eliminate dust that can cause respiratory problems. Do a thorough cleaning and repair of broken faucets, sinks, doors, windows, etc.
Improve your backyard by adding a rest area for quality outdoor relaxation. Put some comfortable furniture there and mow your lawn.
Organize your garage and clean wash your car. Schedule daily routines like spreading your sheets, doing laundry to keep you engaged before continuing with other plans.
The pandemic has challenged everyone and people are struggling to adjust. Learn to fill that time with interesting activities. You can be more productive by cooking, doing laundry, and trying new things. The above popular lockdown hobbies keep you mentally and physically healthy.