Weekly Links #14
1. Weird Guitars2. Where Are The Floppy Disks? – Nick Gentry3. Dragons Exist?4. You Don’t Like Overweight Girls? Think Again! 5.
10 Crappy Cars
Man has been using cars for nearly two hundred years, and in that time, has created some of the sleekest, most beautiful mechanical creations in human history.
10 Families Who Killed Together
The family that plays together stays together so what does that say about those folks who get a little rough? The mothers who arm their offspring, the brothers
Weirdest Game Shows
When it comes to game shows no one does it quite like the Japanese. After all it is hard to imagine that such a small country has so many people willing to
10 Facts About Capital Punishment and Murder
The death penalty is the most severe punishment in the world. It is a controversial issue with a long and bloody history. More than 60% of the worldwide
Terrible Valentine’s Day Gifts
Valentine's Day is, among many other things, a sham. Look at it: if you're not in a relationship by the time it hits, you're absolutely rocked. If you are in a
Beauty Is Bizarre
I love to explore and be enriched by other cultures, including subcultures within my own. When I travel, I am enthralled with the differences, and the
The Tree Man of Java
Dede Koswara is a 35 year old fisherman in Indonesia. As a teenager, he cut his knee, and ever since then strange growths have covered his body. The growths on
5 Insane Marriage Rituals From Around the World
A marriage can be a wonderful and joyous occasion full of happiness, laughter and unicorn farts for two very lucky people. In other cases, it can be an exercise
Weekly Links #13
1. 40 Brilliant and Creative Examples of Toy Photography2. Nasty Barbie3. Innovative coasters4. Training for a po*n star5. Sibling Of Famous