5 Celebrities Who Just Went Crazy

Let’s not kid ourselves; there really is a lot of pressure that comes with being in the public eye. Every move you make is watched by fans and the paparazzi,

6 Insane Modern Cures – That Sort of Work

Humanity has come a long way in the field of medicine. No longer are we to subject ourselves to magical spells and leeches, instead relying on the modern

The Ten Weirdest Games From Japan

We love Japan here at Weird Worm; they're practically our bread and butter. No matter how many articles we publish, ideas we have, or mind-altering chemicals

4 Unluckiest Live Performances Ever

Ask some fans of live performances why they prefer live to say, movies and one answer you will often get is this: You never know if someone is going to die.

Seven Weird Female Monsters From Around the World

Weird male monsters get a lot of play these days. But what about terrifying monsters who happen to be ladies? After all, just because you happen to be female,

Bizarre Religious Rituals

Religion is very important to many people and your personal religion is something that every individual can be very dedicated to. But there is no denying that

8 Weird Blends

This is a guest post by D. Salmons from TestFreaks - a useful one-stop resource for finding the best reviews online. Everything from blenders to laptop reviews

7 Awards You Could Win (For Failure)

Almost every profession has its own awards honoring the best and the brightest. Science and Literature have the Nobel, Journalism has the Pulitzer, and Cinema

4 Things People Refuse to Believe Aren’t Real

When you’re growing up, it’s fun to play make believe. You can be anything you want, and the world is open to limitless possibilities. But eventually, you

6 Weirdest Traditions Still Respected Nowadays

We all have strange family traditions, but however traumatizing it may be to see your uncle get drunk every Thanksgiving and wrestle with the turkey because