The 11 Oddest Headphones You Can Buy

Studies have shown that when people are unable to find personal space, be it on a crowded subway, city street or uber-nerdy “Con” of some description, they

Five Games That Tried to Be Sexy and Failed

There are, in the human mind, very few vital needs. Food. Shelter. Clothing. The beast with two backs. And, ever since we discovered we could make other people

7 Examples of Urban Entertainment That Could End in Disaster

If you've read the article about examples of rural entertainment that could end in disaster, then you already know that living in the country can be a lot more

The Stories Behind 5 Alter Egos of Popular Musicians

Popular music is primarily about showmanship, which in turn is partially about making a tremendous ass out of yourself. Whether they go with a bizarre costume

Five Plant Defense Mechanisms (That Backfired)

We don't actually get most of our drugs from labs, believe it or not. No, we get most of our drugs from the natural world, namely plants. And most of those

The Most Bizarre Directors Working in Hollywood

The world of cinema can be an extremely exclusive place; it’s tough as hell to break into, with poor film school graduates slaving away, fetching coffee for

9 Disappointing 90’s Movies…for 90’s Teens

If you happened to have been a teen in the 90’s (the Beavis & Butthead age) it was certainly a “dope” time to be coming of age. If you were one of

Top 5 Most Confusing Company Mascots

Nearly every company that has been around long enough has a popular and easily identifiable mascot. Energizer has their Energizer Bunny which nauseously keeps

7 Good Foods Gone Sad

There are hundreds of lists on the internet detailing the weirdest foods the world (but mostly Japan) has to offer. They typically revolve around other

6 Weird World Championships

Everybody wants to be the greatest in the world at something. That’s why we have events like the Olympics: to celebrate the incredible achievements of people