Four Bizarre Artists You Must Check Out
Anyone who has ever attended a major university with an art program knows that those wacky art students can be a strange bunch. While the rest of us are
5 Ridiculous Pro Sports Transactions
Pro athletes make obscene amounts of money. Let’s just get that out of the way right now, because it’s the truth, we all know it, and it makes us all
Four Controversial Pieces of Religious Art
Some art historians debate that art as we know it today exists largely because of religion. During the Renaissance period, artists were commissioned by
6 Choices of Gum That Define You
It may sound silly to assume that the type of gum you chew really says a whole lot about you, but think about it: when was the last time that you intentionally
5 Ridiculous Cases of Movie Director Egotism
It shouldn’t really come as a shock that some movie directors have gigantic egos. Or, in some cases, Titanic egos. After all, these are some of the most
10 Amazing Lego Sculptures
Lego is surely the most versatile, creative and ingenious toy ever created. It's incredible to think that a handful (or bucketful) of plastic bricks can give
6 Scientists Killed by Their Inventions
When exploring a new field of science it’s almost expected that some tragedies will occur because of the very ignorance the scientific community is struggling
Four Paths to Human Extinction
Fun fact: everything and everyone is eventually going to die. Not to kill your buzz or anything, but have you ever stopped to think about that? Everyone you
9 Weird Advertising Methods
Advertising is everywhere, but most people have learned to ignore the commercials that are forced upon them. We change channels when ads come on TV, we tune to
5 (Scientifically) Proven Reasons You Shouldn’t Have Kids
There have been tales of children ruining one's life probably since the dawn of time. Men complain about their kids, women complain about their kids. It's only