4 Terrible Concert Riots

We are told the music soothes the savage beast. What we're not told is that it can take that same beast and turn it into a mobilized crowd looking to “break

10 Weird Junk Sculptures

Ever thought of turning a bicycle into a fish or a washing machine into a ninja warrior? Of course you haven't, that would just be silly... but these people

5 People Who Rode the Crazy Train to Fame and Fortune

The modern world of psychiatry has done its best to rid the world of mental imbalance. For any abnormal behavior, science has or is working on a pill or therapy

The 12 Least Intimidating Metal Album Covers

The metal genre of music is loaded with images of sex, violence, drugs, and sandmen entering things. Defined by a heavy sound, metal music stands out by kicking

7 Weird Low Budget Commercials

Making a good commercial is tough at the best of times, and it only gets harder when you’re on a limited budget. Many small businesses aren’t able to afford

Six Strangest Ways to Be Buried

Considering the finality of death and the fact that it’s one of the few things all human beings share it’s no wonder that we’re fascinated with what

The Histories of Alcoholic Beverage Substitutes

Alcohol has always been something of a double-edged sword. We're pretty certain (and by pretty certain, we mean that we were all sitting around one day and just

7 Amazing Works of Art Done With Unorthodox Methods

We all participated in arts and crafts as a child. Everyone made some sort of sword out of Popsicle sticks or shield out of a plate. But how many of us out

5 Celebrity Board Games

The time-honored tradition of board games has at times fallen out of favor for other forms of entertainment like board games or Gulf Wars. The industry, in its

Nine Forgotten Franchises

Franchises have incredible power in pop culture. They carry TV shows, book series, movies, and make the creator a lot of money. But even the biggest franchise