
5 Very Strange Collections

Some argue that collecting things is a natural human impulse to ward of the inevitable end of our own existence, and while it's true that having several boxes

7 Musicians and Their Unfortunately Unusual Demises

Musicians delight and fascinate us with their antics both on and off stage. Unfortunately, the “sex, drugs and rock n’ roll” lifestyle often comes with a

8 Things Grandmas and College Students Have in Common

When you think of things that are similar, grandmas and college students probably aren't the first things that come to mind. You'd probably think of cats and

5 Sports Moves That Were Essentially Thinly Veiled “Screw Yous”

People love sports but sometimes seem to forget that athletes and other people in the sports industry are people too. People with emotions and feelings. And so,

8 Camera Type Choices Explained

In our culture today, a picture is absolutely worth a thousand words. A drunk picture on Facebook says, "I really have no grasp about the true reach of social

5 Controversies Too Dumb to Be Outraged About

People love to be outraged; it’s a simple fact of life. Outrage makes us feel powerful, like we actually have something important to say, as opposed to what

7 Coolest ‘Weird Buildings’

Designing a weird building is pretty simple: choose a form in which buildings are not usually built (a top hat, a strawberry, male genitalia etc) and then build

9 Local Commericals: So Bad They Are Good & So Bad They Are Bad

When economic times are tough, small companies and businesses are often the first to feel the hits. In order to get some cash flowing again many a proprietor

Becoming a Psychic in 6 Easy Steps

So, you are broke again. Getting a real job is out as it seriously eats into your sleeping and gaming time and, lets face it, work is hard, mostly pointless,

The Ancient Astronaut Theory: a Primer

The ancient astronaut theory states that extraterritorial beings have made contact with Earth several times during our early history and provided us with