Four Writers Who Predicted the Future

Previously on Weird Worm we've discussed psychics (and one crazy leader) who made ground breaking predictions that mysteriously went absolutely nowhere. At this

You’ll Get it When You Get it 8 Video Games That Went Through Development...

Gamers are generally a loyal bunch. The internet is littered with people arguing their fingers to the bone in favor of their preferred console, character or

4 More Comic Book Movies (Fans Would Like to Forget About)

We established in a previous article that comic book movies were: A) All the rage, B) Totally badass and C) Hiding a shameful, shameful past. And we’re not

Evolution of Horror Legends: Chucky

In our previous article we discussed everyone’s favorite burn victim, Freddy Krueger. For this entry in our series we’ll be talking about a significantly

5 Embarrassing TV Spin Offs of Popular Movies

We all love losing ourselves in the movies, and often wish the stories would continue so we could find out what happened to our favorite characters. Sometimes

Five Badass Gods

Are you having a crisis of faith? Bored with the same old gods telling you to live well and love your neighbor? Would you like to worship a deity not because he

6 Most Epic Sean Connery Roles

You might be surprised to know that during Sean Connery's six-decade long film career (and counting!), the well-loved actor hasn't actually had that many

20 Terrible Cartoon Bands With Their Own TV Shows

We all slip up and do some bad things from time to time. Often, the guilt and/or shame can spur one towards some sort of penance, to “restore the balance”

6 Bizarre Perception Syndromes

In general, syndromes aren't the kinds of things that you'd want to have. Just the word "syndrome" gives us the shudders. We think that it's especially uncool

Five Fantasy Failures

As a lifelong fantasy fans, we have devoured dozens of fantasy novels in our time and even written a few as well. Most of them are quite enjoyable, but that