6 Awesome Animal Sidekicks

In the real world, we rely on animals for many things. Companionship, eyesight, friendship, unconditional love, occasional unwelcome crotch sniffing; the point

5 Totally Needless Movie Novelizations

Let’s face it, about the only thing more pointless than a horrible movie based on a mediocre book is a horrible book based on a mediocre or even horrible

6 Unabashed Weirdoes on TV

We recently wrote about 7 guys who put the "man" back in TV because people love to watch men at their best and manliest. But not every character on TV can be a

4 Ways Star Wars and Harry Potter Are the Same

Upon close observation, an acute observer can find many striking (yes striking) similarities between the Star Wars universe and the Harry Potter universe. While

7 Social Activities (That Can Be Ruined by the Internet)

Some of you reading this are old enough to remember a time before the Internet had seeped into every facet of our society, threatening to choke out anything

5 Image Changes by Musicians (That Failed)

Most artists that have experienced any longevity in their career have undergone some sort of stylistic change. It's only natural that interests would change,

Beloved but Short-Lived Sci-fi Shows

Science fiction fans are known the world over for their incredible (and some might say disturbing) passion and loyalty for their genre of choice. However, all

5 Ridiculous Attempts to Modernize Shakespeare

Oh, the Bard. No, not pitcher Daniel Bard of the Boston Red Sox. We’re talking, of course, about William Shakespeare, or Big Billy Shakes to his friends,

Eight (Bad) Ways People Talk on the Web

The internet is perhaps the greatest achievement in the history of human communication. It has brought together people from all corners of the world in a manner

6 Reasons Highlander Is Awesome

Chances are good that you've seen the movie Highlander. Released in 1986 it starred Christopher Lambert as an immortal Scottish swordsman (hence "Highlander,"