The Twelve Saddest Exercise Machines

If there's one universal constant in our world, it's that people want to be slimmer, trimmer, and sexier. No matter how attractive a person is, they're never

5 Wrestlers Who Are Better Off When They’re Jerks

One of the more interesting aspects of pro-wrestling over the past ten to fifteen years is that the bigger a jerk you are, the more fans you gain. The

7 Sports Phrases That Make Us Snicker Like 12 Year Olds

If you’re like us, you love sitting around watching some sports with a frosty adult beverage in hand. It’s just a good time to shoot the breeze with your

Five Soccer Matches (That You Should Probably Care About)

Soccer is sometimes called the world’s game, which helps make the term “World Cup” less presumptuous. And while the World Cup may see a large and

5 High Tech Takes on the Vuvuzela

The World Cup celebrates the “beautiful game” on the largest stage on Earth. Given the vast array of countries that participate, from the desperate

5 Wrestling Superstars Originally Saddled With Horrible Gimmicks

In the insane world of professional wrestling, “gimmicks” are a key factor to achieving mega success. While legends such as Ric Flair and Bret “The

5 Wrestlers Who Achieved Awesomeness…Outside the Ring

The phrase “looks can be deceiving” certainly holds true for this unlikely group of overachievers. What follows is a unique assortment of five professional

8 of the Worst Wrestling Gimmicks Ever

Laugh all you like, but professional wrestling is the closest thing we have to gladiatorial combat in our modern society. Granted, it's fake and someone being

7 Weird Minor League Baseball Fan Promotions

When it comes to the world of professional sports, the home organization realizes that fans come to the games to be entertained pretty much nonstop, especially

6 Notorious Sports Cheats

We have such a high investment in sports because throughout history we’ve used them as both a means of entertainment and a status symbol. Sports represent