Five Companies That Want to Put You in Outer Space

When you’re trying to inspire (read: lie to) children, you tell them they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. This simply isn’t true;

The 11 Oddest Headphones You Can Buy

Studies have shown that when people are unable to find personal space, be it on a crowded subway, city street or uber-nerdy “Con” of some description, they

Five Plant Defense Mechanisms (That Backfired)

We don't actually get most of our drugs from labs, believe it or not. No, we get most of our drugs from the natural world, namely plants. And most of those

4 Weird Things Accomplished With Urine

Urine. Okay, let’s get that case of the giggles out of the way right now. Peeing is just another bodily function that needs to be done, despite the fact that

6 Strange Facts About Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? That's not a rhetorical question; we're asking because in our calculations, not liking chocolate is the first sign of being a

The Five Nastiest Databases on the Internet

The Internet is full of information, but it can be hard to find exactly the information you need. That's where databases come in, and fortunately, no matter how

6 Weird Scientific Studies

1.The "The" StudyPerhaps wanting to prove that she is second to none in the prestigious town of Crazyville, Glenda Brown carried out a study on the word

3 Bizarre Tales of Alien Abduction

It all began in the early 1960s, when Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been kidnapped by extraterrestrials and subjected to bizarre medical procedures.

The Seven Terrifying Side Effects of Useful Drugs

It's been a joke for as long as we've had those ridiculous drug ads of people frolicking in a field while an announcer motormouths his way through all the legal

Alien Abduction – Partially Explained

When somebody tells us that they have seen a UFO, we tend to believe that they are telling the truth. Oh, they might not have seen an actual alien craft - it