4 Strangest Books in the Apocrypha

When people say that they believe every word of the Bible a good way to make an enemy is to ask “which one?” Turns out not only are there many different versions of the Good Book, there’s also dozens of parts that got left on the cutting room floor. Naturally, some of them deserve to be there more than others…

7 Religious Groups That Shun Mainstream Ideas

1.Christian UniversalismYou may often hear pastors yelling about how “if you don’t let Jesus in your heart, you will burn in Hell for eternity”.

3 Top Religions and Their Stance on Games of Chance

Games of Chance or in modern terms gambling is something forbidden by most of the mainstream religions. This is due...

4 Strange Curses in the Bible

While now relegated to horror movies and sports teams, curses used to be serious business. Since they’re based on hocus pocus and nonsense, the Bible naturally covers them in great detail.

Bizarre Religious Rituals

Religion is very important to many people and your personal religion is something that every individual can be very dedicated to. But there is no denying that

Five Creepy Religious Sites From Around the World

Whether you’re an atheist or a believer, you’ll probably agree that many religions (like everyone elses) have a creepy side. There’s the unintentionally

The 9 Most Awesome Tombs

There really is nothing quite like a massive tomb to say “Look at me! I was really, really important!” Time is the great equalizer, forgetting most men

9 Strange Easter Traditions

Easter is celebrated by most Christians as the day when Jesus was resurrected after being dead for three days. In the Jewish faith Easter represents the time

6 Manliest Religions

When it comes to religion there are many options out there. However, if you want a truly kick-a$@ religion, with a God that eats fire and picks his teeth with

11 Bible Quotes That Everyone Gets Wrong

Whether you're Christian or not, religious quotes have become a regular part of many cultures. But with all the verses thrown around people fail to realize that many of their wise words have no basis in holy scripture at all. These are eleven such examples.