20 Terrible Cartoon Bands With Their Own TV Shows
We all slip up and do some bad things from time to time. Often, the guilt and/or shame can spur one towards some sort of penance, to “restore the balance”
Five Fantasy Failures
As a lifelong fantasy fans, we have devoured dozens of fantasy novels in our time and even written a few as well. Most of them are quite enjoyable, but that
9 Awful Movie Tie-Ins
We live in a world full of advertising and cross promotions. As sad as that may be, it's absolutely true: every movie released in America needs to be adapted
Four Comic Book Movies (Fans Would Like to Forget About)
Spurred by the death of original thought, the comic book movie has become almost as popular as sequels and remakes in Hollywood. In recent years, through
7 Awesome Movie Dinosaurs
Of all the millions of species that have gone extinct since life first appeared on planet Earth, dinosaurs are the ones that tend to hold the most fascination
7 Guys Who Put the “Man” Back in TV
Okay, so we know there's no "man" in TV, or even in "television." And that's part of what's wrong with the world today! Perhaps if there was, entertainment
6 Movie Cameos That Weren’t Meant to Be
A clever cameo won’t make or break a movie but it can be more than enough to get people talking. For example, Mel Gibson was originally set to have a cameo
6 Reasons We’re Loving Community
Community is a great new series playing on NBC that follows the shenanigans of a group of students attending Greendale Community College. If you're anything
4 Incredibly Creepy Love Songs
Love songs can be incredibly powerful. When you've really nailed it, you speak to something within all of us and it can even bring people to tears. But when you
The 7 Most “Metal” Places on Earth
As it turns out, metal is no longer a genre of music described as much by its faced paced, hard rocking music as by inane squabbling over subgenres. Metal is