10 Bizarre Kids TV Shows

1. TeletubbiesAnybody for tubby-custard? How about we just watch TV off each others stomachs for a while? Nah, you’re right, it’s all repeats these

Top 10 of Weird Art

Every artist chooses his own direction when it comes to the way of expressing his creativity. Today WeirdWorm presents top 10 artists who are the best at what

5 Ugliest Musicians

“If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is ugliness”. Who according to you is the ugliest musician/band ever to walk the planet and why? We conducted a

10 Bizarre Works of Art

It’s astonishing what we consider to be art these days. It seems that anybody with a chainsaw, a children’s paint set or a garden shed can make a great work

10 Cartoon Characters Come to Life

There’s this passage in the Bible I am really fond of. First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 13: When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a

5 Insane but Totally Brilliant Music Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories have surrounded famous musicians for a long time, but things got really bizarre when the Internet caught on, and many people started to invent and share their own theories. These days, the biggest stars tend to live under a microscope, and people observe their every action, hoping to find some juicy detail and turn it into an epic conspiracy theory. Here are some very unexpecte

10 Weird Superheroes You Might Not Have Heard About

All superheroes are a little weird - weird superheroes. They come from different planets, or they’re mutants, or perhaps they gained their abilities through

6 Best Movies About Love and Babysitting

Ah, babysitters. Without them, parents would forever be stuck at home watching their own kids, and most of them probably would have had nervous breakdowns by

The 10 Most Bizarre and Absolutely Stupid Country Music Lyrics of All Time

I love country music. That's why I'm qualified to make fun of it when it goes awry. I grew up listening to country and occasionally had to suffer through a

3 Weird Artists

Artists have a reputation for being weird. Maybe it’s the price they pay for being so incredibly talented, although that doesn’t explain all those art