7 Weird Hotels

Whenever you take a business trip or vacation you need to find a good hotel to stay in. Most people prefer to find regular lodging, but after awhile the

10 Weird Ashtrays

For the people who smoke, finding a stylish ashtray can be hard. Most of the time, the people go with just the standard looking ashtrays. But, some people

6 Amazing Facts About Breasts

We men really do love breasts, especially big breasts: we talk about them, brag about touching them and apparently now write extensive comedy articles about

4 MORE Weird Things That Kids Loved in the 80’s

Back by popular demand, it’s that 80’s article coming at you again. Last time we took a look at some of the more unusual retro junk which kids from the

Weekly Links #14

1. Weird Guitars2. Where Are The Floppy Disks? – Nick Gentry3. Dragons Exist?4. You Don’t Like Overweight Girls? Think Again! 5.

10 Weird Sunglasses

Every person out there likes a pair of sunglasses, whether prescription or otherwise. They protect your eyes from the sun and can even conceal your identity.

5 Blatant Toy Commercials Disguised as Kids Shows

If you wish to put out a television show and market it to kids, you basically have two options: gently educate them, or suck their parents for every dollar they

10 Weird Weapons

TomatoesTomatina is a town-wide tomato fight, held in Buñol, Spain. It’s held on the last Wednesday of every August. The brawl begins and ends with the

6 Disturbing Apocalypses Predicted for the 1990s

According to some, the 1990’s were to be the end of all things. And while depressing grunge bands and Monica Lewinsky jokes may have seemed like the end of the world, these doomsayers were very serious about their predictions…

5 Lesser Known Sea Monsters

You might have swallowed the Disney propaganda that life under the sea is blissful and harmonious, but these unknown titans of the deep might change your mind…