Evolution of Horror Legends: Hannibal Lecter
Once again, we take you on a guided tour of the things that scare you most. This time, we examine a man that is willing to get in your head in more ways than one…
Weird Continuity Issues Within the Rocky Saga
To some people, the Rocky movies are likely just a testosterone filled series of battles featuring a roided-up Russian, an absurdly pissed off Mr. T, and a red
4 Movies That Were Banned for Ridiculous Reasons
There are a lot of movies that we can fully understand might be banned for various reasons. Maybe there’s too much graphic violence, sex, gratuitous use of
10 Crossovers That Connect Most of the Television Universe
Crossover episodes are nothing new. Some are done as part of sweeps week, some are done in an attempt to boost ratings, but what the people writing these episodes probably don’t realize is that they’re helping to connect the entire television universe. Over the years, people including a comic book and television writer named Dwayne McDuffie, have spent far too much time finding the links between s
5 Controversies Too Dumb to Be Outraged About
People love to be outraged; it’s a simple fact of life. Outrage makes us feel powerful, like we actually have something important to say, as opposed to what
10 Scariest Horror Movie Characters
I love the horror movie genre. It is one of my favorite types of movies to watch, but the only way to properly watch a good horror movie is alone, or with
6 Cool Mockumentaries You Should Totally Watch
The mockumentary genre exists today because at some point in history, a revolutionary filmmaker, probably known only as “jerkass” to his family and friends,
5 Reasons Why Obi Wan Kenobi Is Really a Poor Role Model
The power of suggestion is really amazing. If you had lived in Nazi Germany, there is a good chance you might have honestly believed in the rightness of the
8 Movies With TV Spinoffs You Didn’t Know Existed
Now and then, a movie will come along that makes people want to see even more of the story behind the characters and settings, and some intrepid young combination of producers and writers will turn it into a television series. Of course, it’s typically less successful than you might hope, and in most cases it becomes an all-out disaster. Here are some of the worst TV spinoffs of popular movies eve
Dexter’s Big Bads: From Best to Worst
The Guinness Book of World Records was created to end arguments in pubs. Internet lists ranking characters from TV shows were created to start them. Dexter fans: discuss.