Movies & Tv Shows


Choosing the Perfect Artwork for Every Space in Your Home ─ Your Guide to...

Finding the right artwork for each room of your home can elevate its aesthetic, creating a curated environment that feels...

6 Ways to Improve your Streaming Experience Online

When it comes to streaming your favorite content online, there are so many things that should be taken into consideration...

10 Mind Blowing Ways the Entire Stephen King Universe Is Connected

Stephen King is one of the most prolific authors of all-time. Even if you’ve never read one of his works, you’ve seen it in some variation, be it miniseries or movie adaptation. King almost always writes about his home state of Maine, but even beyond all of these otherworldly events taking place in that one mostly rural state, the Stephen King universe has more connections running through all of h

3 Supposedly Gay Children Television Characters (And Why They Are Probably Straight)

In his study of the unconscious Freud found that the ego distorts our view of ourselves and the world around us. People project their anxieties or shameful

The Five Most Racist Star Wars Characters

Don’t get us wrong attorneys; we’re not saying that George Lucas hates all minorities. After all, his first bunch of Star Wars movies handled the subject

4 Weird Broadway Musicals

Broadway continues to be the last refuge of the musical. Once a driving force in entertainment, musicals have lately been all but extinguished in the cinema. On

Weird Continuity Issues Within the Rocky Saga

To some people, the Rocky movies are likely just a testosterone filled series of battles featuring a roided-up Russian, an absurdly pissed off Mr. T, and a red

5 Weird Movie Characters

One of the best things about watching a movie is that it allows us to suspend our disbelief and to encounter weird and bizarre characters that we’re unlikely

10 Bizarre Kids TV Shows

1. TeletubbiesAnybody for tubby-custard? How about we just watch TV off each others stomachs for a while? Nah, you’re right, it’s all repeats these

6 Best Movies About Love and Babysitting

Ah, babysitters. Without them, parents would forever be stuck at home watching their own kids, and most of them probably would have had nervous breakdowns by