5 Strange Ways Wives Have Killed Their Husbands
Getting out of a marriage can be as simple as filing for divorce or it can be as creative as those who didn’t only want to stand by their man, but they also
10 Bizarre Phenomena
[display_podcast]1.Ball LightningThis bizarre electrical phenomenon usually occurs during thunderstorms and lasts for up to thirty seconds. Balls of
Bizarre Christmas Decorations
Christmas is the time when people choose to celebrate their love of the holiday and their own personality by decorating the inside and the outside of their
Weekly Links #10
1. He must be using anti-aging face creamThis story is about a British scientist that has created the world’s smallest snowman, but not out
10 Weird Curtains
People like to decorate their doors, showers, and window blinds with their own style. People can tell a lot about a person’s personality by the motif they
Weekly Links #9
1. Tiger Woods Scores in BedThis site offers you up hilarious pictures of animals that look like they have been drinking just a little too much.
10 Weird Purses
Women always want a fashionable handbag to go along with their outfits. Let’s face it a great handbag is the ultimate accessory. Now which bag you choose it
Political Lies and Weird Campaigns
Politics can get weird. This is to be expected since the stakes are high and money or power drives some folks to extremes. Then again, some of these people
Weekly Links #8
1. Food Costs All Around The World2. The Best Aquarium Ever3. Living with pollution4. Socializing with Bears5. Gothic Backpack6. 15
4 Weird Weapons of World War II – the Axis Powers
During World War II, Germany’s leader Adolf Hitler and his allies, the so called ‘Axis’ powers, were desperate to control Europe and Asia and spread the