Five Creepy Religious Sites From Around the World
Whether you’re an atheist or a believer, you’ll probably agree that many religions (like everyone elses) have a creepy side. There’s the unintentionally
7 Series of Unfortunate Events (That Caused Horrible Disasters)
We live in an increasingly more technologically focused world, with factories, power plants and breakfast cereals becoming more and more complex every day. As
10 Things to Know About Torture (Infographic)
From primitive weight devices that literally squish you to death to 'modern' techniques such as water boarding, torture has a long dark history. This
3 Unbelievable Encounters (With the Real Men in Black)
Here come the Men in Black and, according to the song, they won’t let you remember. But that’s just one of the many falsehoods popularized by the 1997 film
6 Bizarre Mysteries (That Are Still Totally Unanswered)
There are thousands of UFO, Big Foot or other cryptozoological sightings recorded around the world every year, and most of them can easily be proven as fakes or
8 Insane Gold Products
Gold is actually an intensely useful metal these days. As a great conductor it's part of your day-to-day electronics use. Thanks to cell phones, video players
5 Weird Political Parties
For as long as there have been political parties there have been joke political parties that poke fun at democracy with silly policies and insane promises. Most
4 Unluckiest Live Performances Ever
Ask some fans of live performances why they prefer live to say, movies and one answer you will often get is this: You never know if someone is going to die.
Seven Weird Female Monsters From Around the World
Weird male monsters get a lot of play these days. But what about terrifying monsters who happen to be ladies? After all, just because you happen to be female,
Bizarre Religious Rituals
Religion is very important to many people and your personal religion is something that every individual can be very dedicated to. But there is no denying that