7 of the World’s Most Bizarre Plants and Fungi

Plants and fungi are classified as different kingdoms by scientists, just like Animals, Protists, Jeff Goldblum and two distinct kinds of bacteria. However,

Five Facts About Elephants (That Aren’t Really True)

Stereotypes hurt. Some are negative: insinuating certain groups can’t drive well, are inherently lazy, all look the same or pronounce “about”

5 Weird Foods or Drinks to Consume on a Hot Day

It's hotter than Hades outside. You’re keenly aware that if you don't get something cold to eat right now, your eyeballs are going to burst into flames.

8 Bachelor Activities (Women Probably Shouldn’t Know About)

There’s nothing like being a swingin’ bachelor. Cashing cheques from your single guy job, cruising for chicks, hanging in your sweet bachelor pad full of

7 Most Bizarre Beauty Treatments

Humanity is a vain lot and is willing to go to ridiculous lengths just to stave off the effects of aging. How ridiculous can those lengths get?

8 Weird Blends

This is a guest post by D. Salmons from TestFreaks - a useful one-stop resource for finding the best reviews online. Everything from blenders to laptop reviews

8 of the Worst Wrestling Gimmicks Ever

Laugh all you like, but professional wrestling is the closest thing we have to gladiatorial combat in our modern society. Granted, it's fake and someone being

Stupid Photos and Obnoxious Tourists

I am sure professional photographers cling at when they see an amateur playing with a sophisticated, pausing as they have the slightest idea what they are

The 4 Most Bizarrely Difficult Languages to Learn

So you want to learn another language. Maybe you want to travel, to expand your knowledge, or just prepare yourself for the day when the Feds track you down and

8 Strange and Stupid Legal Convictions of Animals

Remember back in grade school when you forgot your homework and you told the teacher the dog ate it?OK, maybe that was just me and my overweight dog, but