8 Olympic Sports That Defy the Ancient Greek Definition

Given that sports in ancient Greece involved nakedness, olive oil, and swinging fists, it probably won't come as a surprise that word for sport in Greek is the

5 Prey Animals Deadlier Than Their Predators

When most people think of the world’s deadliest animals their minds jump to the ones that rule their territory with an iron fist - the animals that command

The Ten Scariest Hot Sauces

You might be wondering; how do we know these ten hot sauces are the scariest ever produced? We're glad you asked! We use the Scoville scale.The Scoville scale

14 Bizarre Kids Cereal Boxes

Children’s cereal is big business. When your customer base thinks artificially colored and sugared cardboard is a gourmet meal, the stuff really should sell

The Six Strongest Drinks You Can Find

It's a cliche, but it's painfully true: sometimes, you need the strongest booze you can find. Maybe it's to ease the pain of a break-up, maybe you want to

Seven Languages That Are About to Die

As hard as it is to believe, languages can die just as easily as anything else. Sometimes they change into something else, sometimes they get absorbed into

5 MORE Wrestlers Who Achieved Awesomeness…Outside the Ring

In our previous article we discussed five professional wrestlers who broke barriers (as well as skulls) and managed to achieve awesomeness both inside and

5 Almost Sports That Left Us Too Soon

Not every sport is treated with respect, nor are they given any credibility. That's because it's very difficult to break the mold effectively without succumbing

7 Good Foods Gone Sad

There are hundreds of lists on the internet detailing the weirdest foods the world (but mostly Japan) has to offer. They typically revolve around other

6 Weird World Championships

Everybody wants to be the greatest in the world at something. That’s why we have events like the Olympics: to celebrate the incredible achievements of people