
11 Ways Bacon May Have Gone Too Far

Admit it. You love bacon. You might be a vegan, but you still love the smell. Bacon is universal. Bacon is beloved. Bacon... is love. Every year, in the U.S.

4 Horribly Wrong Predictions

Psychic powers: according to every Japanese role-playing game ever made, they are a necessary key to saving the world. If you could peer into the mists of time

4 Manly Fights in Non-Manly Sports

Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of fights in sports? Every week, SportsCenter shows awesome coverage of a dustup in Baseball, Football, Basketball,

7 Types of Sexy Sport-Playing Girls

First off, let's get this straight: we're not trying to objectify the act of girls playing sports here. We love women! We love sports! Women who play sports are

3 Strange Facts About Everyday Food

Foodstuffs: more than meets the eye. You may think you know your meals well enough but every rose has its thorn, and sometimes the thorn comes in the form of an

Fine and Punishment

You are a law breaker. With the hundreds of thousands of laws, ordinances, employment terms and whatever helps your local politicians line their pockets, you

10 Deadly Animal Attacks on Humans

A man-eater is a term that describes an animal that preys on humans. Most reported cases of man-eaters have involved tigers, leopards, lions and crocodilians.

5 Very Strange Collections

Some argue that collecting things is a natural human impulse to ward of the inevitable end of our own existence, and while it's true that having several boxes

5 Sports Moves That Were Essentially Thinly Veiled “Screw Yous”

People love sports but sometimes seem to forget that athletes and other people in the sports industry are people too. People with emotions and feelings. And so,

The 6 Most Baffling Sports People Actually Play

When you get down to it, every sport on Earth is pretty damn weird. Football (Yanks): OK, so we have this leather egg which we will try to carry to your side