4 Ongoing Protests
What follows is a collection of four ongoing protests and some of the more memorable moments they’ve provided. While they are ongoing (or are claimed to be
7 Social Activities (That Can Be Ruined by the Internet)
Some of you reading this are old enough to remember a time before the Internet had seeped into every facet of our society, threatening to choke out anything
12 MORE of the Weirdest Frogs
In our previous article we wrote about some of the weirdest frogs imaginable. For this sequel entry we actually sent a research team into a local swamp for a
6 Reasons Running Outdoors Is the Best Exercise
With all of the recent advances in exercise technology, you'd figure that someone would have pretty much perfected it by now. Over the course of the last few
7 More Types of Sexy Sport-Playing Girls
Our last article about sexy sport-playing girls was such a hit, we decided to write another one! Then again, is it really such a surprise that there are so many
5 Horrible Vacation Stories
If National Lampoon is to be believed, vacations are a time of family togetherness, mischief, and sexual escapades. However, reality says otherwise. The world
7 Reasons Iron Chef Is More Ridiculous Than You Thought
If you've never watched Iron Chef before, get thee to a television and turn on the cooking channel, stat! It's one of those vital viewing experiences that will
7 Ridiculous Kid’s Breakfast Cereals
With vicious rumors going around this month, many people were outraged about the apparent impending doom of one of our most beloved cereals of all-time: Cap’n
15 MORE Awesome Wrestling Theme Songs
Much like the WWE, when we get an idea that works we run it into the ground. Crank up your speakers, ignore any work or chores you had planned because it’s
7 Types of Super Bowl Commercials
The Super Bowl is one of the most-watched, if not THE most-watched events on television. It's more of a cause for celebration than many official holidays;