5 Mistaken Newspaper Headlines
The people who still actually make newspapers would like you to believe that the internet, unlike your morning daily, is prone to numerous errors. Before they cast those stones though, they might want to check up on this list of massive blunders…
Five Lost Treasures (People Are Still Looking For)
Crack out your compass, map and best Indiana Jones impression, because lost treasures are still a thing. Fame, fortune and (we assume) lucrative movie deals await the brave soul to locate these mysterious caches…
7 Amazing Photos Taken Underwater
Now that almost every person walks around with a reasonably high quality camera at all times in their phones and digital SLRs have become as plentiful as the hipsters that snap them up, it takes a lot to make a photograph impressive. May we suggest taking them under water?
Five Ancient Sports
While debate rages about concussions and other injuries sustained by athletes, we can all agree that we’ve come a long way in reducing the number of deaths, beheadings and mauling in the majors compared to sports like these…
7 Water Creatures You Probably Haven’t Heard Of
Around 70% of the world’s surface is covered by bodies of water, so it’s no wonder that we know more about what’s on the Ocean of Tranquillity than the Marianas Trench. In fact, new species that live in the sea are turning up every day.
4 Stories of Notorious Thieves
Anyone can steal, but pocketing some penny candy from the corner store doesn’t get you into the headlines. These thieves stood out from the crowd, whether they wanted to or not.
5 More Psychic Predictions (That Failed)
We’re making a psychic prediction. By the end of this article, you will realize that psychic predictions are either based on obvious facts or complete bullshit.
15 Photos of Animals Being Awesome
While humans are technically animals, we generally consider ourselves separate from the natural world. Maybe that’s why everything animals seem to do looks so goddamn cool.
5 Ways the Internet Can Change Your Behavior
Right now, as you’re reading this, your biology and modern technology are conspiring to alter your mental state. Conspiracy theory or good ol’ fashioned science?
4 Most Unfortunate Motorsport Races
While many fans deny it, the appeal of auto racing is often in the ever-present danger of a fiery crash. We all know the drivers and spectators alike can be easily killed; after all, it’s been happening for over a hundred years.