5 People That Have Been Eaten by Animals
There are people that have strange animals as pets and then there are wild animals that look at humans as food. The animals that look at us as food are the
Weird Jewelry Pieces
Every girl likes a piece of jewelry that makes a statement. Whether you choose to make a statement about who you are or you tend to accentuate your weirder
10 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories
1. The ReptoidsIf ex-BBC presenter turned conspiracy theorist and science fiction writer David Icke is to be believed, the world is run not by the
Top 10 Songs About Masturbation
Sex is an integral part of the human experience. Self-love is a very common sexual experience (perhaps the most common, even.) So it really should not be a
10 Weird Album Covers
It is quite often that album covers are as unique as the artists that are supposed to represent, but sometimes they go a little past the realm of unique and
10 Weird Beer Facts
"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does
10 Weird Almost Nations
Got a problem with your country? Why not form one of your very own, with laws you choose yourself?A micronation is a tiny, self-proclaimed sovereign state.
10 (Weird) Things That People Find Attractive
In order for people to find a life partner or a potential mate there needs to be some kind of attraction. What we find attractive about a person is completely
10 Weird Video Games
Many of us grew up playing a variety of different video games, and that those that didn’t have since accepted their importance in mainstream culture. These
Top 10 Most Inexplicable Nude Scenes
Some movies, like Basic Instinct and Species, provide countless displays of gratuitous nude scenes, and that’s great because we expect them to. Conversely,