9 Insane Natural Phenomena
People generally place the natural world in high esteem. Property values are high near parks. “Getting back to nature” is considered a good thing. Even our
Seven Writers Not Even Death Could Slow Down
It's inevitable; rich or poor, kind or evil, good or bad… eventually, the Grim Reaper comes a-knocking and everyone has to answer the door, no matter what
5 Pathetic Alien Invaders
Unless you count the cast of Jersey Shore, alien cultures have not actually invaded Earth yet. It’s all the creative territory of television, movies, comic
5 Disasters and How They’ll Kill You in the Opposite Way You’d Think
If there is one thing that man’s history has revealed, it’s that the world doesn’t really like us. It’s constantly bombarding us with hurricanes and
6 Classic Hoax Images
Photography, the art of capturing a single moment of time forever, is at its best when it is being horribly abused by pranksters and no-goodnicks. Whether it's
4 Unexpected Celebrity Children’s Book Authors
It’s not really any secret that sometimes a celebrity will decide that he or she has some brilliant bit of wisdom they wish to impart to today’s little
5 Prey Animals Deadlier Than Their Predators
When most people think of the world’s deadliest animals their minds jump to the ones that rule their territory with an iron fist - the animals that command
The Five Biggest Surprise Hits
If you work in the media, you want everything you touch to be a hit. You want people to enjoy your work and support you financially (and did we mention our
4 Movies That Were Banned for Ridiculous Reasons
There are a lot of movies that we can fully understand might be banned for various reasons. Maybe there’s too much graphic violence, sex, gratuitous use of
Top 4 Reasons the Twilight Zone Is the King of Sci-Fi
You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sound. A dimension of sight. A dimension of mind… we’re