8 Incredible Facts About Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is an absolute juggernaut. There’s no denying it. Along with Walking Dead, you’d be hard pressed to find a television show that gets more online chatter that George R.R. Martin’s epic saga. Heck, just look at YouTube at all of the incredible reactions to the Red Wedding last season to get an idea of how devoted its fan base really is. But there are plenty of really cool facts about

7 Books That Should Would Make Great TV Shows

With the return of the immensely successful and wildly popular Game of Thrones, it’s only natural to look at the bookshelf and imagine what books may have a chance to rival the success that George R.R. Martin’s series has achieved on HBO. Obviously not every book would make for a great show, and some would make better movies, but there are some stories that are just so epic and grand in scale that

8 Completely Off the Wall Zombie Movies

First things first, let’s not pretend that zombie movies are ever going to be exactly “normal.” After all, we’re talking about movies that center on the conceit that the dead will return to life and start feasting on living human flesh. It’s not a particularly normal idea, despite how prevalent it has become over the years. But even in the genre of zombie movies, there are some that, amazingly, ma

8 Famous Movie Quotes No One Ever Gets Right

We’re living in a culture where half of what we say seems to come from television or the movies. At some points it feels like there are precious few original thoughts being delivered in every day conversation, and quoting movies promotes a sort of kinship, and an inside joke with other people who are thinking to themselves, “Yes, I, too, have seen and enjoy that movie.” It’s just a shame that when

People Are Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse in Awesomely Fun Ways

We’ve mentioned it before, but it bears repeating: people love the idea of surviving in a zombie apocalypse. The Walking Dead is the biggest show on television, and games like Left 4 Dead are as popular as ever. So it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that people are taking the next steps in zombie preparedness, taking a few notes from the Zombie Survival Guide and putting them into practice in

Real Life Superheroes Would Probably Be Jerks

Everyone who has ever read a comic book, watched a superhero movie, or hell, even had a childhood fantasy has considered what it would be like to have superpowers. Everyone thinks it would be the absolutely coolest thing to be able to fly around the world, fighting crime and being a hero. But you know what? We’re pretty certain that, while there would obviously be some exceptions with people who a

Celebrities You Didn’t Realize Went to School Together

The world of celebrity always seems like a pretty exclusive club, and it’s no real surprise that famous people tend to pal around with other famous people. But something you may not have realized is that people who get famous don’t just meet after they become famous. In fact, a lot of famous people grew up together, including some you may not expect.

The Best and Worst Theories About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Over the last several weeks, the story that has dominated headlines has been the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which departed from Kuala Lumpur and began making its way to Beijing, only to drop completely off the radar and vanish 40 minutes into the flight. Naturally, conspiracy theories and tales of potential hijackings gone awry have sprung up all around the internet. Some of th

8 Awful Comic Book Movies They’re Hoping You’ve Forgotten

With summer coming up, we’re about to see an influx of superhero movies, as the likes of Captain America and Spider-Man have become the biggest box office draws among summer blockbusters these days. Of course, that wasn’t always the case. In fact it wasn’t all that long ago when comic book movies were box office poison, with a rare exception like Tim Burton’s Batman back in 1989. But just because

8 Insanely Creepy Haunted Locales Around the World

Everyone loves a haunted house. But even creepier than a normal, boring haunted house is an historic building that can range from a hotel, to a hospital, to even a lonely stretch of road that supposedly takes lives with reckless abandon due to the overwhelming amount of supernatural activity. If you happen to be taking a trip around the world and love the idea of encountering a potentially evil sp