11 of the Dumbest Hoaxes

It's amazing that anyone fell for these stupid hoaxes last year. #9 was so obvious. How did news sites get so easily tricked?

13 Everyday Items You’ve Been Using Completely Wrong

When it comes to most of the products you’ve got laying around the house, they seem pretty straightforward and simple to use. Even if there aren’t basic instructions printed on the back, most of the things you use on a daily basis are so self-explanatory that you feel comfortable skipping those instructions anyway. Unfortunately for you, it turns out that maybe you should have paid a little more a

5 Most Unique and Unusual Islands on World

For most of us islands hold a certain mystique. It could be their seclusion that entices us, or the perceived difficulty of reaching them. Others are relatively untouched and represent a a world lost in the modern age. For these reasons and many more, islands can be deeply fascinating. Here are some of the most unique examples.

15 of the Scariest Urban Legends From Around the World

Everyone loves a good old fashioned urban legend. People love getting a good scare, and something about urban legends just makes it feel like these things could have actually happened at some point. It’s not like a zombie story or a vampire tale, which could obviously never have been true; instead, these are stories that, in most cases, could certainly have happened to someone at some point, and t

12 Homes for People Who Never Want Visitors

Sometimes, solitude is an absolute delight. It’s okay to be social and friendly most of the time, but now and then you just want to have some time to yourself. And let’s not even get started on the whole concept of people dropping by your house unexpectedly when all you want to do is lounge around on the sofa with your pants off, which we’re pretty sure is the dream of any man in the world.

5 Iconic Characters That Were Almost Played by Different Actors

Sometimes a movie or television character is able to transcend the screen and become a part of pop culture history, thanks in part to the part being well written but also, more importantly, by casting directors knocking it out of the park and finding the perfect actor to bring the character to life. Of course when a film or show is being cast, there are many actors considered for the parts, and we

20 Weird Things You Can Major in at College

College is an interesting time in a person’s life. It’s where a lot of people really discover themselves, and prepare for the future while trying to pin down exactly what they want to do for a living. For the majority of people who attend college, when you choose a major that’s more or less going to factor into whatever career path you wind up taking. However, for quite a few people, ultimately wh

20 of the Most Terrifying Things Kids Have Ever Said

Kids say the darndest things, as the old saying goes. They also say some of the most horrifying things, as well. Most of the time it’s just because they don’t know any better, but now and then something slips out that is positively freaky, and it seems like just about everyone has heard a story about something they said, a friend said, or even their own kids have said that scared them witless. Ove

10 Absolutely Baffling Celebrity Cameos in Music Videos

Believe it or not, music videos are actually things that still exist, despite the fact that channels like MTV would have you believe otherwise. Celebrities popping up in a music video are never particularly surprising. If, for example, you saw LeBron James pop up in a hip hop video, it would make total sense. But now and then a celebrity will appear in a music video and you kind of have to do a do

7 TV and Movie Side Characters That Deserve Their Own Spinoffs

One of the hardest things about writing fiction is coming up with interesting, fully developed side characters. After all, you can’t spend too much time on them because you don’t want to take the focus off of your primary protagonists and antagonists. Yet sometimes writers come up with supporting characters that are so rich and intriguing that, no matter how good the main characters are, we can’t