What to do in an electrical emergency: 3 Scenarios
We’re all pretty used to constantly having electricity and we take it for granted. However, as electricity is omnipresent, it’s...
Four Seasons – Flowers Perfect For Your Home
When you decorate your interior, the trick is in the small things and one of the details which can really...
6 of the Most Haunted Cities on the Planet
The world is full of beautiful cities with rich histories and wonderful sights that will take your breath away. However, you might not have known that some of the most beautiful cities in the world are also the most haunted. Filled with ghosts, vampires and other mysterious entities, these cities are some of the scariest places on our planet. If you are planning on visiting these six cities, you s
5 People Who Got Rich From Garbage
Every year, more than two billion tons of garbage are dumped on a global level, and each person throws away approximately four pounds of trash per day. Even though the enormous amounts of waste are harmful to the people and the environment, some individuals have managed to see all that garbage as an opportunity to make a huge fortune. Check out some clever people who made a fortune from garbage.
Interior Decoration – Indoor Plants
Decorating your own home just the way you like it to be is probably one of the most interesting and...
7 Horror Movies Based on Even More Terrifying Events From Real Life
Most good horror movies can give us a real adrenaline rush, and there are some that are so scary, they can even make us want to sleep with the lights on. We can cope with the twisted and uneasy world of horror flicks by reassuring ourselves that all of the stories are fictional and that those horrible events never really happened. But, have you ever considered that some of your favorite horror mov
These Are the Most Terrifying Things Kids Have Ever Said
Kids say the darnedest things, but sometimes they say the damnedest things, too. Here's a collection of bizarre and unnerving (and sometimes funny) things kids have said to their parents.
These 12 Life Hacks Show You What It’s Like to Live Poor but Happy
Times are tight, so you need to get creative. Maybe you can't afford a new appliance or piece of furniture. Perhaps you need just a little extra cash to meet the rent. But whatever your needs are, the best solutions are often the easiest (and most hilarious).
The Strange Redesign of the Barbie Doll
Starting in 2015, toy company Mattel began the process of updating the iconic Barbie line to better line-up with a more diverse demographic. It began with new skin tons and elasticities for the doll, and in 2016 they responded to criticisms of unrealistic proportions by adding new body types.
10 Odd and Surprising Ways Junk Food Will Help Around the House
Junk food will ruin you, but that doesn't mean it's all bad: it all comes down to how you use it. If you try hard enough you can find alternative uses for everything, including food. These ten examples are only a small sampling of what you can do with unhealthy food (besides eating it).