5 Rock N’ Roll Urban Legends That Are True

There's something about the music industry that makes every story seem plausible. Sadly, a vast majority of the stories were told about popular musicians simply

Greatest Literary Monsters

As far back as our written history goes, there have been tales of evil creatures set on our destruction. But they frighten us more because of the internal evil

4 Most Disgusting Condiments People Actually Eat

People like food. It fills you up, gives you a reason to leave your bed in the morning and tastes good... some of the time. For those other times, when the

4 Most Dangerous Parts of the World’s Oceans

More than half of Americans live within 50 miles of the coastline. You might find the natural beauty and abundance of the ocean appealing… until you realize what’s really out there.

5 Ugliest Musicians

“If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is ugliness”. Who according to you is the ugliest musician/band ever to walk the planet and why? We conducted a

5 Weird Cases of the Billy Bob Thornton Death Curse

Billy Bob Thornton the actor from such films as Sling Blade and Monster’s Ball might seem a little rough around the edges or perhaps even a bit quirky at

10 Bizarre Works of Art

It’s astonishing what we consider to be art these days. It seems that anybody with a chainsaw, a children’s paint set or a garden shed can make a great work

10 Bizarre Kids TV Shows

1. TeletubbiesAnybody for tubby-custard? How about we just watch TV off each others stomachs for a while? Nah, you’re right, it’s all repeats these

5 Natural Human Functions You Shouldn’t Always Hold In

So there you are - sitting in class or perhaps attending a meeting with your co-workers when it hits. By “it” we mean any number of potentially offensive,

6 Best Movies About Love and Babysitting

Ah, babysitters. Without them, parents would forever be stuck at home watching their own kids, and most of them probably would have had nervous breakdowns by