10 Most Realistic Transvestites

There are men in this world that would simply look better as a woman. Then there are those men that can pass for a woman. Those are the realistic

10 Weird Purses

Women always want a fashionable handbag to go along with their outfits. Let’s face it a great handbag is the ultimate accessory. Now which bag you choose it

Weekly Links #9

1. Tiger Woods Scores in BedThis site offers you up hilarious pictures of animals that look like they have been drinking just a little too much.

5 Weird Drug Urban Legends

Drugs will always fascinate us because they can change the way we perceive reality. Some effects of drugs are so powerfully they alter reality and demonstrate

The Forever 27 Club

27 Club - it’s a club that the famous are dying to get into, but unlike the nightspots and dives in Hollywood or New York, there’s no bouncer. Anyone can

5 Bizarre Cases of Positional Asphyxia

Positional asphyxia in adults is a rare death. More common in infants it involves finding yourself in a position where your nose and mouth are covered, your

5 Weird Weapons of World War II – the Allies

Between 1939 and 1945, one of the worst wars in history was fought out between two opposing forces that were so large and wide-spread, it became known as the

Political Lies and Weird Campaigns

Politics can get weird. This is to be expected since the stakes are high and money or power drives some folks to extremes. Then again, some of these people

Weekly Links #8

1. Food Costs All Around The World2. The Best Aquarium Ever3. Living with pollution4. Socializing with Bears5. Gothic Backpack6. 15

10 Bizarre Psychological Experiments

Magicians, hypnotists and needy women aren’t the only ones who enjoy playing mind games. Scientists quite like to screw with our heads too and over the years