4 Lucky Military Moments

It’s not always the strongest or the smartest who wins a battle; sometimes it comes down to dumb luck. Check out the four luckiest moments in military history… at least for the victors.

3 Badasses From World War 2 (Who Never Held a Weapon)

Check out the three men who didn’t need to pick up a gun to prove they were a part of the greatest generation.

The 3 Biggest Things Done in a Small Amount of Time

When a big project needs doing, you will always hear the builders bitching about the amount of time and manpower it’ll take to finish such a ‘massive’

6 Ridiculous Weapons of War

Conflict brings out genius. Genius, however, looks very similar to madness.Wars are won through tactics, which are usually dependent on technology. It's is

4 Strange Coincidences in U.S. History

History is riddled with strange coincidences. The history of the United States in particular has its fair share of “what the hell” moments one might not

5 People Who Rode the Crazy Train to Fame and Fortune

The modern world of psychiatry has done its best to rid the world of mental imbalance. For any abnormal behavior, science has or is working on a pill or therapy

4 Strange (And Unsolved) Disappearances

Sad fact of life: people go missing all the time and they're never seen alive again. Sadder fact of life: people go missing all the time and they're never seen

5 Famous Skulls From History

Heads: barring some sort of tragic motorcycle accident, we've all got one. But sometimes something as common as the bones necessary to our existence can

Three People So Scary They Became Myths

It's pretty rare for your name to echo throughout eternity, and there are two surefire ways to do it: be one of the most awesome people ever, or being so

History’s Five Shortest Wars

As long as there has been man, there has been fighting, probably because we're all too dumb to just agree to disagree. Hence wars. Fortunately, not all wars are