The 7 Worst Types of Gifts Ever

When it comes to shopping for gifts, you'd think that most of us would pretty much have it down to a science by now. After all, it's something that pretty much

Eight (Bad) Ways People Talk on the Web

The internet is perhaps the greatest achievement in the history of human communication. It has brought together people from all corners of the world in a manner

You’ll Get it When You Get it 8 Video Games That Went Through Development...

Gamers are generally a loyal bunch. The internet is littered with people arguing their fingers to the bone in favor of their preferred console, character or

7 Weak Controversies Surrounding the Pokémon Games

Pokémon are a worldwide phenomenon. If the franchise’s longevity isn’t enough to convince you (having lasted over 15 years, 14 main games, 4 remakes,

5 MORE Popular Nerd Arguments

Last time we discussed five classic nerd arguments found across the internet. This time we’ll be discussing five more incredibly popular debates which also

5 Methods of Pre-Breakup Revenge

If you're like most people - at least, most people who read Cosmo on a regular basis - then you know that a good bout of well-planned, soul-destroying revenge

9 Slogans That Make No Sense

Yeah, yeah, we know. All advertising is ridiculous. It is, but these slogans are flat out wrong. Like, logically, they don’t make sense. You may say,

12 of Your Most Common Dreams… and What They Mean

Dreams represent more than just random fragments strung together from our waking lives. At least we’d like to think they mean more. Searching for the

5 of the Most Popular Nerd Arguments

If you clicked this link then chances are you’re in fact a fellow nerd. We’d like to thank you ahead of time for pulling yourself away from World of

5 Video Game Urban Legends That Ruined Childhoods

Since the days of the arcade there have been rumors of video games containing more content than what is presented at face. While Easter Eggs in games have