12 Lego Replicas That Will Blow Your Mind
The appeal of Lego is that its only limitations are your imagination and creativity. You can do damn-near whatever you like with them, but some have taken up the task of recreating famous scenes, buildings, and vehicles, from reality and from fiction. These are 12 of the most impressive.
The 12 Stupidest Ways People Died (Thanks to Going to the Bathroom)
The bathroom is one of the last places where people can find peace, quiet, serenity… and death.
9 Local Commericals: So Bad They Are Good & So Bad They Are Bad
When economic times are tough, small companies and businesses are often the first to feel the hits. In order to get some cash flowing again many a proprietor
Top 7 Tips for Destiny 2 Season of the Undying
Since its release back in 2017, the game has changed a lot. Since the release, there have been a couple...
The 7 Worst Types of Gifts Ever
When it comes to shopping for gifts, you'd think that most of us would pretty much have it down to a science by now. After all, it's something that pretty much
8 Stupid-Looking Flags
If a flag is supposed to encapsulate a country and embody it’s citizens, we’ve found eight terrible places filled with terrible people. Enjoy.
The 4 Weirdest Video Game Conspiracy Theories Ever
“A lie is a lie.Just because they write it down and call it history doesn't make it the truth.We live in a world where seeing is not believing.Where
8 Things You Must Know When Getting Cannabis Seeds
Getting an authentic cannabis seeds vendor is somewhat hard, considering that con people take advantage of the opportunity to sell...
Comedy’s Hidden Agenda ─ ‘Lapor Pak!’ as a Conversation Starter
In cultures spanning from west to east, comedy has often been the unsung bridge linking disparate thoughts, addressing taboos, and...
10 Weird Video Games
Many of us grew up playing a variety of different video games, and that those that didn’t have since accepted their importance in mainstream culture. These