5 Most Terrifying Powers of the Insect World

Are you scared of bugs? If not, you should be. Not only do they out number us humans by an absurd margin, they’ve also been granted horrifying powers by Satan

Electric Fish

Nature is a tough place to grow up in. It may surprise you to know that in nature there are no suburbs. Additionally, in nature, animals don’t even talk like

5 Incredible Animals and Plants

We don’t think anyone is going to disagree if we say that animals are incredibly cool. Some can see things the human eye could never perceive, others can hear

7 of the World’s Most Bizarre Plants and Fungi

Plants and fungi are classified as different kingdoms by scientists, just like Animals, Protists, Jeff Goldblum and two distinct kinds of bacteria. However,

Five Facts About Elephants (That Aren’t Really True)

Stereotypes hurt. Some are negative: insinuating certain groups can’t drive well, are inherently lazy, all look the same or pronounce “about”

8 Animals That Could Be Movie Monsters

There are an untold number of species of animals on this planet of all sorts of description, yet out of the millions we know about, Hollywood seems happy to

8 Strange and Stupid Legal Convictions of Animals

Remember back in grade school when you forgot your homework and you told the teacher the dog ate it?OK, maybe that was just me and my overweight dog, but

Satan’s Paradise: the Seven Most Terrifying Australian Animals

Make no mistake about it, Australia wants to kill you. From its vast deserts to its pristine beaches to its quiet suburban backyards, the country is packed with

10 Weird Miniature Versions of Normal Animals

Americans like things big; we like big cars, big portions of food, big screen TVs… You get the idea. These animals are proof that Mother Nature is probably

7 Coolest Animal Cross-breeds

Some things simply work better combined. For example, peanut butter and chocolate are awesome on their own, but combine the two and you get the confectionary