
Cannabis breeding is both exciting and fun, but it is also hard work. It is not the right hobby for everyone. But if you are serious about cannabis, you will undoubtedly want to try breeding. It allows you to develop strains better suited to your needs.

Creating and maintaining good breeding stock takes time and dedication. And yet, remember that hard work is worth it when you achieve the right results.

It is not uncommon for growers to spend hundreds of dollars to produce the perfect phenotype. Therefore, you should select the right breeding strains based on the traits the breeder considers most important.

However, remember that you shouldn’t choose them only because they are the most popular. Select strains that can help with certain needs you have. For example, decide on strains that reduce anxiety in your day-to-day life.

If you want a successful cannabis breeding experience, read on for five tips.

1. Know What to Look for


Once you decide to breed, develop a list of strain traits you desire. Focus on strains that sound the most attractive to you. As you plan, be realistic and write a list based on your needs.

In the beginning, it’s best to avoid the popular strains. It’s better to stick with similar strains but not identical to others. It will prevent chasing popularity, which can be frustrating if you do not get what you expect.

2. Find an Open-minded Breeder

Breeding cannabis is an exciting but expensive hobby. There are ways to make the experience go well, though. For starters, look for a breeder willing to share their expertise and knowledge. Getting advice from an experienced breeder can take you from a beginner to an advanced grower.

An experienced breeder can offer suggestions on various techniques. For example, a strain may need an extraction method you consider inefficient. But it could still have high potency and be healthy. Seeking advice from an experienced breeder can clear up any questions. From there, you’ll know which steps to take next.

3. Expect Potential Problems


Expect problems in your plants early on in the process of breeding the strains. You may have lower-than-expected plants as you seek to avoid over-breeding and cross-pollination. Don’t worry, as this is common for a beginner grower.

Small mistakes in plant selection and during the breeding process often happen. It takes a while to get used to the process. Throughout your experience, remain patient with yourself—plan on having to try multiple times before you find the right combination.

4. Create a Climate for Success

Cannabis plants are a lot pickier than many growers realize. They need different conditions for each life cycle stage. Achieving the ideal conditions is challenging. Often, plants may not show obvious signs of stress.

Having the right supplies is vital as you set up your garden. With them, your growing experience may turn out as you hoped it would.

Successful cannabis breeders should learn about each step of cannabis growth. That way, they can learn to recognize what the problem may be. From there, they can correct the issue moving forward.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Try New Things


There is a saying in the breeding community that “just because it has never been done before does not mean it is not done.” It takes time to learn what’s best for any given strain.

When starting, experiment with different seeds and traits. Trying various breeding techniques shows you what types of plants to grow successfully. It also helps you learn how to give your plants the best care. For example, you can learn how to tell when to move them into a different environment.

Cannabis Breeding Is Rewarding

Cannabis breeding is a rewarding activity for those with the skill and patience to do it. This hobby is fascinating. It’s exciting getting the strain that you sought after.

Cannabis breeding can also generate revenue. For example, you can share your knowledge with others and sell your seeds. Each state has different rules, so look into them before offering services and selling cannabis.

There’s no doubt about it. Growing weed is fun and exciting, but always keep things in perspective. Don’t get so focused on the strains you create. Instead, care for your plants, and look forward to the rewards of breeding marijuana!