Some alone time can be good for your mental health, but feelings of isolation and being undesired can have the opposite effect. If you’re not by yourself by choice and you’re experiencing negative feelings and emotions related to loneliness, this article will share some of the most effective ways to cope with it and find happiness from within.
1. Make Use of Your Alone Time & Distract Yourself
A very common problem people have when they feel lonely is that they tend to dwell on these thoughts, and it makes them feel worse about themselves.
It can especially become more pronounced when we don’t have anything semi-productive to help take our minds off of things.
Do you have any hobbies that you’re interested in? Then, utilizing your time to pursue them can be an effective way to distract yourself from loneliness. For example, if you like art and music, focusing on your craft and being creative can be very therapeutic, and video games can get you connected to other individuals and potentially make new friends while passing the time. You can also consider volunteering for a cause that you find meaningful.
However, suppose loneliness is preventing you from enjoying hobbies that you normally like doing or you feel unmotivated. In that case, it could be a sign of depression, and it’s recommended that you reach out to a mental health professional who can diagnose and treat you.
2. Don’t Compare Yourself To Anyone Else

In today’s digital age, we can constantly be connected to other people online; yet, it still can make us feel even more alone. Why is that the case?
It has to do with comparing yourself to others, and seeing other people’s lives on social media while you’re not there to interact with them can actually make you feel more disconnected.
Whether it’s your friends or social media influencers, it’s easy to be bombarded with photos and videos of people dining out, traveling, and doing other fun activities with their friends and significant others, and this can make people feel like they’re leading better and more interesting lives than them, which can cause loneliness, social anxiety, and low-self esteem.
So how do you combat this? First, you simply have to realize that these images are just snapshots of someone else’s life – not yours, and that’s okay. Besides, people can still feel more lonely even when constantly surrounded by others; you have to find what makes you feel fulfilled even if you’re by yourself. It also helps to step away or limit your social media usage since there is a direct correlation between it and increased feelings of loneliness.
3. Be Patient With Yourself
Loneliness can be a chronic issue for a lot of people, but it’s still a temporary feeling that can pass. In some cases, it can be even more short-lived, depending on your current situation.
For example, the issue of loneliness can simply be triggered by being in a new environment with unfamiliar people, which is common if you’re attending a new school or you’ve relocated for a job.
It’s especially a common topic for college students, particularly freshmen who’ve just recently graduated from high school – once graduation comes, a lot of their friends will go in their own direction in life, and social media becomes the primary way to stay in touch.
No matter what your transition is, it’s crucial that you give yourself some time to adapt. You might feel alone and isolated now, but eventually, new people will enter your life that can help relieve the feelings you’re dealing with at this point in time.
4. Realize That You’re Cared For

Even if you’re not in the presence of them right now, there are people in your life who value you, despite the feelings you’re experiencing right now saying otherwise.
You mean a lot to your friends and family, so if you’re feeling lonely, reach out to one of them and try to have a nice conversation with one, regardless if you’re not feeling particularly social right now.
Talk about how you’re feeling, as you’ll probably find a sense of relief and possibly some advice too. Who knows, you might have friends who are in the same boat as you. You can also try to make some plans and do something adventurous with them, as this can give you something to look forward to. You can also consider visiting online support groups if you want to feel more anonymous.
Also, it’s common for people who don’t have a romantic partner to get caught up in the fact that they’re single, which can also cause negative thinking patterns. However, quality relationships don’t always need to be romantic ones, so focus on the people who are currently there in your life and try to make them stronger.
5. Find Professional Advice
As mentioned throughout this article, loneliness can manifest a variety of negative thinking and behavior patterns and potentially contribute to depression and anxiety.
Thankfully, these are all things that can be treated, and finding guidance from a mental health professional can prove to be very helpful if bad feelings have been persistent and you’re unsure of how to cope with them.
Counselors and therapists can teach you healthy ways of dealing with stress by helping you work through the problems that loneliness is having in your life. It might not resolve the issue at hand, but it can change the way you think and behave towards loneliness and reduce its impact on your life.
It’s possible that you’ll feel more empowered to meet new people or spend time with those who are already there, and this can make those feelings of loneliness go away.
Additional Information For Coping With Loneliness

If you found these tips useful and you’re interested in more strategies you can use to combat loneliness, consider visiting BetterHelp today to read more articles like this one that can show you what you can do to get these feelings under control.
Also, you’ll be able to find out how you can find licensed and professional therapists who can provide you with the support you need to overcome loneliness, depression, and anxiety and find satisfaction in your life.
Loneliness is a feeling that can be chronic, or it can come and go at times, but it doesn’t need to be a permanent state of mind. Hopefully, in the meantime, the advice here can help you find some peace of mind and contentment while you’re alone as well as in the company of others.