You can get some free within the game items as part of an advertising initiative being held by fast food chain KFC to mark the arrival of Diablo 4.
The strange commercial tie-in goods, perhaps on this particular occasion, don’t actually look bad when your character wears them, which is the nicest part!
Of course, the benefit to you is the fact that by redeeming these codes, many of which are linked to exclusive tie-in products, you may get a tonne of free stuff, like cosmetics. You’d probably buy Diablo IV items anyhow.
You only have a short window of time to gather all five Diablo 4 items, so keep reading to learn all you must know in order to get all the KFC cosmetics for Diablo 4.
How to obtain stuff from the Diablo 4 and KFC partnership

Only players residing in the USA are eligible for the Diablo 4 x KFC promotional event, which runs from May 29 through July 2 of 2024.This is bad news for both the several of us who currently reside abroad and for anyone who reads this manual in the future. In addition, you must be 18 or older to use your rewards (sorry, youngsters).
However, in order to participate in the event, you simply must have a Battle.net account as well as a KFC account, both of which can be created for free. Connect them to receive your initial reward.
Purchase an eligible product (essentially every sandwich meal or sandwich qualifies) using the KFC application or through your internet account; purchases made in-store are not applied towards the other four cosmetic items. You only receive one redemption ticket each purchase, so if you want the entire set by July 2nd, you’ll have to pamper yourself with a KFC meal four times.
Many KFC locations are beginning to utilize cups and wrapping with Diablo themes, and the community is eager to get its hands on any of the cosmetics related to the event. As the occasion was never fully formally advertised, there remains some uncertainty as to how people could go about claiming the cosmetics alongside their orders. In addition, Blizzard never elaborated on a few of the steps you must take to fully utilize the partnership.

Five distinct cosmetics are available. There will be one for every one of the game’s 5 classes. You can get one of them by connecting your BattleNet & KFC accounts. The remaining 4 will be obtained by buying chicken sandwiches at KFC. KFC mentions that these things cannot be purchased out of sequence. They will become accessible in the following manner:
Dread Pheasant Slayer Bow for the class Rouge
Once both of your accounts are linked, you can access this incentive. The bow belongs to Rouges.
Thrumming Axle for the class Sorcerer
You will be able to purchase this staff after making your first Chicken Sandwich purchase. The staff is used by the Sorcerer class.
Hand of Gallus for the class Barbarian

You’ll get this barbarian polearm upon purchasing another chicken sandwich.
Vessel of the Eleven for the class Druid
You can get this Druid totem by purchasing a chicken sandwich a third time.
Foul Reaper for the class Necromancer
For Necromancers, this scythe can be unlocked with the last purchase.
How To Utilize the Cosmetics received

You can locate the cosmetics within your closet 24 hours after you unlock any of them. After that, you can transform the present weapon into an accessory. In order to receive these benefits, you must also link the Battle.net profile to your KFC.com profile. You must first log in via the restaurant chain’s official partnership page to be able to do this.
After doing so, return to the original page and click the hyperlink at the bottom to connect it to the Battle.net profile. Although you will have these rewards, you still need to Buy Diablo 4 Gold to give yourself an edge over other players. It will be beneficial for you to be one step ahead of your friends and enemies.
You will be able to unlock these items and fill your stomach with tasty food at the same time, so make sure you follow the steps and claim your freebies without any delay, otherwise you will have to waste your money and resources to buy these afterwards. So, move to the KFC outlet now and order your meals to get free stuff for your Diablo IV journey.