Timely and efficient communication has become a crucial goal for churches. SMS messaging is at everyone’s fingertips, unlike social media and emails.
It’s estimated that 98% of SMS messages get opened, which is a five times higher rate compared to emails. Ninety percent of texts are read in as many as three minutes. Consequently, pastors are enabled to stay connected with their congregations via SMS, both to young and older parishioners.
Churches can share all kinds of information by relying on text messaging, such as reminders, event announcements, cancelations, venue changes, etcetera.
These are the essential benefits of church SMS messaging services for churches.
1. Communicating different types of information

Churches use SMS messaging services for communicating different sorts of information with their community members. They share inspirational quotes and bible passages with congregants on a regular basis in an attempt to inspire them and encourage a deeper bond with God. These verses can be hand-selected or in the form of images, sent via MMS. Visit this site to see twenty popular bible verses that everyone knows and loves.
Another advantage of SMS messaging for churches is the possibility for them to request prayers via messages in real-time. If a congregation is large, contacts can be segmented into groups of smaller size, divided by activity, age, studies, etc. In cases of emergency, SMS is the most rapid way to notify others about it and request assistance. Church members can connect with each other during times of crisis, like home loss, death, financial troubles, or urgent transportation needs.
Most churches find SMS messaging convenient due to the ability to survey congregants. By using text-to-vote polls, the leaders of these communities can understand the requirements of their members in terms of the subjects they wish to study, the events they would benefit the most from, or the guest speakers they would like to hear.
Event announcements and reminders are other benefits of using SMS messaging for churches. Event announcements tend to be time-consuming during liturgies or other ceremonies. Anyhow, the use of mass SMS messaging reduces the time spent on announcing an upcoming event and prolongs the duration of the service itself.

Text reminders are believed to substantially increase attendance at church events. These reminders not only refresh the memory of congregants but also make sure they are correctly informed about the location and time of the event. Another advantage of using mass SMS texting by religious organizations is the chance to cancel services by contacting all members at once. The largest part of text software providers, provide effective yet simple communication tools for churches, like https://textinchurch.com/.
Sometimes, it happens for services to be canceled due to severe weather conditions or other unexpected scenarios. In such situations, reaching everyone via SMS is the quickest method of information, which prevents frustration among members. Texts are used to notify churchgoers about a potential venue change, as last-time changes are sometimes bound to happen.
Moreover, adjustments are usually made to pick-up and drop-off locations for trips, outdoor activities, group studies, etc. Attendees should be alerted via SMS about the change in venue location for everybody to show up at the new location. Such texts are also effective in view of encouraging online donations. Donating through online platforms has become the most hassle-free method to collect offerings.
Ultimately, churches use text messaging to remind churchgoers of the main sermon points. Not all attendees are expected to remember the most important points of the last sermon they attended. Therefore, religious organizations can bring the most important pieces of information back to the mind of churchgoers through texts.
2. Inexpensive outreach

Another merit of using SMS messaging by churches is the low cost of communication. For instance, some of these organizations have higher budgets dedicated to communication, but others have little money to spend on communication. In any case, SMS is a cost-effective communication method used by religious organizations to reach out to their congregations.
Additionally, sending SMS is a less costly alternative to printing flyers and other leaflets for informing the entire congregation about a certain event. This communication method is even less expensive than delivering mailings to community members. Apart from saving on mailing and printing costs, the info received via text messages is more likely to be shared.
Text messaging not only saves finances but precious time as well. By receiving message responses from groups via SMS, your staff won’t have to waste time answering return phone calls.
3. Auto messaging
Auto texting is another reason why churches should consider investing in text software. The act of sending the same message to a large number of people can be tedious and labor-intensive. Hence, auto messaging has proven to be a handy tool for churches, which tend to send special texts for anniversaries, birthdays, and other celebrations.
4. Subscription list

While most businesses aim to grow their subscription lists, churches are supposed to set such an objective as well. The creation of a subscription list allows individuals to sign up for receiving text notifications. Churches can add current community members to their lists and invite these people to ask their friends to join the list.
Subscription lists allow current and potential churchgoers to see if a certain church is likely to fit their lifestyles. On the same note, subscriptions are the perfect solution for churches that wish to spread their message to new people and get them involved in their community.
5. Getting feedback
Last but not least, churches stand to gain from texting services owing to the feedback they receive. The feedback your organization will get is crucial for making members feel involved. Keep in mind that every member of your congregation wishes to be heard and feel included in the family. Feedback is of valuable importance when organizing important events that require direction.

To sum up
Such services are becoming a necessity for many churches striving to increase event attendance.
Why not invest a portion of your budget in improving your communication with parishioners?