COVID-19 has been the talking point amongst nearly every human on the planet for the last three months, and rightly so. We have never seen a pandemic quite like this one, and everyone is doing their best to try and keep everyone safe by staying indoors and not going out. This does, however, come with its downfalls, but instead of concentrating on them, we should be looking for the positives that this could bring us.
We have time to spend with our loved ones and our families to do things we don’t often get to do. The vast majority of people are unable to work and on government-backed schemes to help us through this tough period which means we have an awful lot of time on our hands to try something new, pick up an old hobby, or sort out areas of the house we’ve been putting off for years. In this article, we look at turning boredom into productivity, why not learn how to play an instrument?

This is an instrument that is loved by many all around the world. The guitar has birthed legends of music from Prince to Eric Clapton, to Jimi Hendrix, so it’s often a dream to be able to play like them. Well, now is your chance. Firstly, understand that mastering the guitar is a lifelong lesson and will take years before you can shred like the best, but there’s no reason as to why you can’t pick up an acoustic guitar and learn the basics within a few weeks, you’ll be playing Wonderwall before you know it.
You can teach yourself by picking up the guitar and looking up some chords, or you can do so by learning guitar online here, as having the time to take lessons is a brilliant way to kickstart your journey to becoming a guitar hero. Not only that but learning guitar is such a satisfying thing to do, and it’s a skill that will stay with you forever, you can have periods of time where you don’t pick up a guitar at all, but you’ll always remember how to play it. When selecting the best guitar accessories and equipment, make sure that you seek online guides and reviews to make sure you only purchase the best. Music review sites like MusicCritic provides unbiased reviews on the top quality musical instruments and equipment for your money.
Unfortunately, the learning of classical instruments seems to be on the decline, which is why I’m mentioning this now. Stringed instruments are beautiful and have such a range of sound that it would be an absolute travesty for them to leave our lives. From viola to double bass, each and every instrument has its place in an orchestra and as a solo act, beautiful to watch and to listen too.
It might be a little more difficult to start learning these in lockdown as it requires some music theory knowledge, but you can always start there. Learn the basics of how to read music, and you’ll be a step ahead when you pick up whichever instrument you chose. Alternatively, you could dive headfirst into learning the old fashioned way and just give it a go, no harm in trying!

This is a beautiful instrument that can be played over a huge number of genres and styles. Whether you want to play classical pieces of music or modern pop, this is something that will give you true diversity in playing music. Once again, we need a little bit of knowledge when it comes to reading music, but there are so many resources on the internet that will be able to show you the way with ease. If you already have a piano, then you are miles ahead of anyone that wants to learn without one, pianos are big, heavy, and take a while to move anywhere, but once they are in place, they are stunning to look at and to be played. There is something elegant about this instrument and will be a lifelong skill that will never fail to impress.
Wind Instruments
Another set of instruments that are part of an orchestra that seems to be in decline are the wind instruments; these include the flute, saxophone, clarinet, and the bassoon. Learning these is huge amounts of fun, and I would recommend it as it’s something that’s strangely satisfying, being able to make music by blowing down a brass pipe is brilliant and something that everyone should try at least once. There are plenty of online lessons and resources that will help you get to grips with these amazing instruments, and the best thing to do is to just keep practicing.
This might have some slight issues as we are talking about learning whilst being in lockdown, especially if you live in an apartment of a row of houses, but it’s good fun, and there’s nothing stopping your neighbors learning to play too, right? The drums are a brilliant bit of kit, and without it, we don’t know what bands would have been like; they are very much the backbone of a music group, so they have great importance. Luckily, if you don’t want to annoy your neighbors, there are plenty of electronic kits available that you can play whilst wear headphones, meaning only you can hear the main drumming, and the only noise outside of your headphones is the light tapping of the pads.
When it comes to learning an instrument, you should do it because you want to, not because you have to. It’s a brilliant way to spend your time, and it’s incredibly creative once you have learned the basics of the instrument you chose. Being able to sit down with an instrument and just play is a fantastic feeling, and once you have the feel of it, you’ll be able to write your own music. It’s something that has a feeling like literally nothing else, especially when you play it to someone, and they enjoy it.
If you’re keen to learn, head online and find lessons in whatever you want to learn. Choose an instrument for you, not anyone else. There are tonnes of resources online that will help you get to grips and learn your way around your new instrument, and there are plenty of videos that will help you get started. Have fun learning something new! v